Mystical Blessing-2000
Mystical Blessing-2000
SENDING Sending thoughts, receiving gifts bought, when will it end, when as the last resort, you break with the trend, as you did intend, forgetting to mend, relationships with friends. Sending wishes, thrown back little fishes, awaits the rod bend, a filler for the dishes, waiting for the big one, hear your praise sung, forget you are alone, missed chances slip back home. Sending flowers, always up to ivory towers, actions you defend, struggling with your powers, ending at a brick wall, as the petals start to fall, kept distracted by it all, failing now to hear your call. Sending threats, that rebound like bad debts, you've nothing to lend, life becomes full of frets, disaster stares you in the face, aware of your disgrace, turn inwards to find solace, find the answer in its place. Sending love, find it fits just like a glove, let's not pretend, for it has always been above, breaks through the binding, feel yourself unwinding, realise it's all unending, and it's only love you're sending.

  • Poem 'Sending' - Book Title: 1993 POETS
  • Publisher: Anchor Books 1993 - Edited by Julia Wilson-Panter
  • poem: Green Eyes poem: Temple poem: I Felt poem: Print It poem: Sending poem: Jasmine poem: Perfectly Poetic poem: Rose Cross poem: Pyramid poem: In This Life poem: The Wind Whispers poem: Traffic Light poem: ISIS Unveiled poem: Weight Watch poem: Seeking poem: ISIS poem: Heroes Venture poem: Coincidence poem: Angel in the Making poem: A New Start
    poem: Parting of the  Waters poem: Walkers of the River poem: It's from the  Heart poem: Other Planes poem: Take from Me poem: His Way poem: Let me Tell poem: Essene poem: To the River poem: Let The Day poem: The Trials poem: Your Cup poem: Wait and See poem: Cross poem: Set me Free poem: Dreamland poem: Jerusalem poem: Tree poem: A Mystic Poem poem: Doors
    poem: Spirit poem: Path poem: Speak poem: World poem: Ten poem: Clue poem: Candle poem: North poem: Three poem: Lions poem: Times poem: Balance poem: Slow poem: Dig poem: Fate poem: Invisible poem: Wayward poem: Cave poem: This path poem: Labyrinth
    poem: Hornets poem: Monumental poem: Sitting poem: East poem: Amuse poem: Warnings poem: Baptist poem: Belong poem: Tree of life poem: Chain poem: Reveal poem: Close run poem: Moon poem: Easters poem: Seal poem: Changes poem: Forward poem: Child poem: Counting poem: From within
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