Victim Souls  Newsletters

ANNOUNCEMENT. In the year 2022 a newsletter for victim souls was published    

It is no longer possible to publish the newsletter, but a great amount of reading material is available free here, if you are interested in this theme of how to save souls, and how to solve the problems of the world, with the solution that Our Lord himself has given us.   

In 1969 Our Lord said to the Portavoz (Maria Concepcion) that it is URGENT for the work fo atonement to be realized. You can help in this work, by offering your little sorrows and sufferings to God, in union with the sorrows of Christ, with patience, for the salvation of your own soul, and for the salvation of the souls of your neighbors.   

We are living in grave times, in which the prophecies of Fatima, of La Salette, and of Akita, will all be fulfilled, even down to the least details, and even the prophecies of Isaiah and Ezechiel will be accomplished.   Every little prayer, sacrifice or good action helps. Please do what you can. Like the disciples at the Last Supper, you will have sorrow now, but your sorrow will be turned into joy (John 16:20), a joy that will be shared with the souls you helped to save, a joy that will last for the endless ages of eternity. (Is. 35)   

ADDENDUM. To comprehend how the prophecies of the Old Testament can be fufilled in the modern world, see A Prophecy Fulfilled, by Charles Reed. Also Three Days of Darkness and the Scriptures.
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• Newsletter Num. 1. Jan. 31, 2022. Legion of Little Victims. St. Therese of Lisieux. Descent of Christ into Hell.

• Newsletter Num. 2. Feb. 4, 2022. Story of Little Peter. How a child in France saved his father. Treasury of Atonement.

• Newsletter Num. 3. Feb. 11, 2022. Sowing in Tears. "How My Father Was Converted."

• Newsletter Num. 4. Feb. 18, 2022. Warnings from Purgatory. Evidence of Satan in the Modern World.

• Newsletter Num. 5. Feb. 25, 2022. The Prayer of Thanksgiving: A Secret of Happiness.

• Newsletter Num. 6 -- March 4, 2022. A Mystic For Our Times. 

• Newsletter Num. 7 - March 11, 2022. Think of Heaven. Revelations of St. Gertrude, Ch. 1

Atonement Newsletter Num. 8 -- March 18, 2022. Longing for Paradise. Crucifix of St. Gemma.

Newsletter Num. 9 -- March 25, 2022. Universal Atonement. Introduction to the Devout Life (St. Francis de Sales)

Newsletter Num. 10. Apr. 1, 2022. Divine Puzzles. Book that changed the World.

Newsletter Num. 11 -- Apr. 8, 2022. No Vision Is Necessary. Hail Mary of a Protestant.

              • Newsletter Num. 12 -- Blood of the Covenant. Letter about picture of "Young Virgin" by Zurbaran

• Newsletter Num. 13 -- A Prophecy Fulfilled. The Story of Wong Li

• Newsletter Num. 14 -- Coldness. A Report from Pennsylvania, by Paul Wilson

• Newsletter Num. 15 -- Hope for Poor Sinners. Story of Epifanio.

• Newsletter Num. 16 --  Sin of pride. Story of Isidra.

Newsletter Num. 17 - The World Ends Every Day. Story of the Angel Birdies.

Newsletter Num. 18 - Actions of Infinite Value. Story of Prisoner Claude Newman.

Newsletter Num. 19 - History will repeat Itself. Value of a Wheelchair.

Newsletter Num. 20 - Our Lord Needs Victims. Promise of Triumph. Message of 1932. A Cross appeared in the Year 351

• Newsletter Num. 21 - Miracles of Love Repaid With Ingratitude. True Story from Alaska.

• Newsletter Num. 22 - Drexel and Victim Souls. Converted by a Bus Driver.

• Newsletter Num. 23 - Covering Your Deeds in Supernatural Gold.  Three Recommendations.

Newsletter Num. 24 - A Rose From China. The Science of Love. Miracles of St. Mark. 

Newsletter Num. 25 - Soul in Asia Delivered from Darkness. Testimony from Myanmar

- Newsletter Num. 26. July 29, 2022. Visited by an angel.

- Newsletter Num. 27. August 12, 2022 -- Do You Have Your Cross Yet?

Dates of publication subject to change without notice 

A  Newsletter  for  the  Latter  Times

What a terrific newsletter! Thanks for this; it is like a wonderful rain storm, refreshing this parched earth. 
And for me who can't get to Mass today or tomorrow, first Saturday,
but l will offer Sunday Mass for your intentions.  Yes, may all be for the Glory of God!

-- Miss C., USA

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