The Seven Inner or Radiant Planes of Being
The Seven Outer or Responsive Planes of Being

As we begin to consider this central subject let us realize that to meditate upon this core area, of necessity we must use word symbols. And symbols, no matter how beautiful are NOT the thing so symbolized. They can however initiate an awareness in consciousness which approaches the reality, and if we are most careful not to make the all to common mistake of seeing the symbol as the reality it portrays, we will find that they can be helpful stepping stones in the unfoldment of deeper understanding. And in this regard, a familiarization with a past 'Meditation of The Month' (by Uranda which was entitled 'SYMBOLS') would greatly help in the understanding of what we are about to open up. So please, take the time to meditate upon it in conjunction with the outline below.
* Please Note. I shall be using the two word symbols 'Spirit' and 'Plane' interchangeably for this consideration. These symbols are interchangeable in the sense that we will use them to illustrate certain of the principles of Being. One frequency or vibrational level of Spirit will only manifest at a certain Plane of Being, much the same as water will always find the path of least resistance and hence the level by which it may pass most easily. So, for our purposes ,a level of Being will be synonymous with a certain quality of Spirit.
Let me say from the outset, that SPIRIT, or the particularized RADIANCE of SOURCE at whatever level or frequency cannot rightly be separated from the means by which it is either born or made manifest. We may speak of 'Inner' and 'Outer', 'Source' and 'Means', but they are One in Reality, even though they may not be so in our experience. We shall divide them only to consider each one of the Seven Primary Spirits or Planes of Being.

SPRIT may be defined as 'the Vibrational RADIANCE of the ONE SOURCE of BEING.'
'The Seven Spirits or Seven Planes of Manifestation' are differentiations of the ONE SPIRIT, and carry  vibrational qualities unique too a particular Plane of Manifestation.
SPIRIT may be envisioned as that 'Something' which radiates, or emanates from the CENTER of the COSMOS as a Carrier Wave for the Seven basic quanta, or frequencies, qualities and characteristics of 'THAT' indescribable SOURCE from which Life and indeed All of Creation springs. There are many sacred names given this RADIANCE, but they all seek to describe this same Creative Cosmic Effulgence. And whether spoken of in scientific, religious, mystical, or mythological terms, they all give evidence of the fact that 'Something' is constantly 'moving out' from CENTER at the same time  'Something' is simultaneously 'moving in' from the periphery. And as with so many Cosmic Design Factors which are far beyond the intellect of Man, we have yet another divine paradox which somehow makes complete sense! ':-)

Basically however, SPIRIT is that which radiates eternally from the POINT of Points through a focalized design and pattern. It is by nature BACK OF, or BEYOND, Space and Time, and therefore invisible. I speak of it as Pneumatomenal. As such, it needs a means of manifestation in the Phenomenal world of Time and Space where we live to have meaning. The Design of Being obviously realized this and provided Consciousness, generated out of the structures which compose our bodies, minds, and capacity to express spirit, in concert with the whole of Gaia's myriad forms. Spirit, at whatever plane has the perfect means at hand for Self expression!

So, although we have somewhat arbitrarily designated Seven Spirits as comprising this Radiance, we shall see how they are in fact One. There are Seven radiant (or + positive) Spirits, and Seven responsive (or - negative/receptive) Spirits. Together they are One. In Reality they are One. But we are concerned to let them come all the Way through into the world which we as individuals center.
And there is a very specific mechanism through which this may occur. We are indeed, 'fearfully and wonderfully made' as the psalmist put it.

However, I cannot emphasize too much, the fact that SPIRIT is ONE. The principle 'All in One and One in All' is perhaps one of the most ancient maxims of the mystic and scientist alike. The same may be said of 'As Above, so Below'.  That said, there are however, seven general levels to this Cosmic Radiation from SOURCE. And again we come to the ubiquitous number seven. The 'Seven' carries a very particular vibration in the Design of Being;  the seven notes of the scale, the seven color groups of the prism, the seven days of the week, the seven endocrine glands, the seven chakras, and in this case,' the seven spirits before the throne of God.'

' The Seven Outer Planes, or Spirits', which are the means whereby the Quanta contained within 'The Seven Radiant Inner Spirits' may come into the world where we are, do so by a two-fold mechanism of manifestation. The One Law, of Positive Radiation, Negative response, is at work at every level throughout the Cosmos. And this is no exception. The means through which the Inner Spiritual Realities manifest are comprised of a Positive + phase, and a Negative - (or responsive) phase. For instance. The Pneumatomenal Spirit of Life from beyond Time and Space comes into our world through the means of  the (+) Thyroid endocrine gland, and the (-) Vissuddha or Throat Chakra. These two systems, (the endocrine and the chakra), work together in the facilitation of a pathway whereby invisible Spirit may manifest right here where we are. The same is also true of each of the other 'Outer' Planes, as we shall see. (Each has a point or portal of entry through a particular radiant endocrine gland and a corresponding responsive chakra in our bodies).

In any case, I thought it wise to remind and assure you that we are approaching this with the understanding that all is ONE (even though specifically differentiated into particularized patterns of function within the whole). So, we are only looking at constituent parts in order to better understand 'the Whole' we are a part of.

With this clear, we can now safely go on to look at what has for far too long been a mystery to most of humankind. The 'seven spirits before the throne of God' are not just meant to sit there. This is deeply metaphorical yet specifically instructive language. If we examine into it, we shall find that in fact  these seven Spirits are 'sent forth into all the world' (into the world/earth of our bodies) to carry  the creative vibration of the particular aspect of the Divine which they each represent. They each have 'names', characteristics and qualities which we can know and enjoy right here on earth as we give them free and fluid expression according to their inherent purposes. The problem hasn't been a lack of spirit, but rather the quality of the spirits which get through the maze of our self-centered purposes. And those are usually at cross purposes to say the least with the Will of the Universal Cycles. So, if we will, we may emerge from the dark and come to know the awesome power and beauty of Spirit and begin to learn how to use that capacity of expression which we have all tended to use so badly. The capacity of Spiritual Expression. For herein lies our salvation and the secrets of living the joyous and fulfilled life. It is done simply by staying 'in attunement with' the Will of the Whole, the Will of the Cosmic Cycles of Creation as opposed to our own so-called 'bright ideas'.

So, friends, enjoy what you already intuitively know, but which I trust will come ever more clearly into remembrance as we meditate upon the wonders and glories of the Seven Inner and Outer Planes of Being; In essence upon 'The Divine Design of Man', male and female. (And parenthetically, male and female are complementary factors which are everywhere equally required as a unity to set  'the Whole' in motion correctly. In fact, there is a male (+) and female (-) aspect to every thing which could possibly be imagined. It is out of this creative 'attraction' phase of the (+) and the (-), that 'union' is known, and a whole new level of creation is born.) 'Behold I create all things new'.



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