The Seven Inner Planes of Being, The Interpenetrating Pneumatomenal Realm.
The Seven Inner Planes of Being
This simple diagram of word symbols below is meant only as a means of considering  what in Reality is One
 (+ or radiant aspects of ´the waters above´ )
 1. Spirit of Love (containing this particularized Quanta)
 2. Spirit of Truth (containing this particularized Quanta)
3. Spirit of Life (containing this particularized Quanta)
      4. Spirit of Purification (the crossover point)
The Firmament
´ radiant aspects of "The Waters (of Truth) Below´
 containing particularized Quanta of the RADIANCE OF SOURCE.

5. Spirit Of Blessing
         6. Spirit of The Single Eye
       7. Spirit of The New Earth

.Heaven and Earth of course, are ONE, in Reality.
It remains for us to experience this as a fact in living by generating the necessary ´Firmament´ which ´yokes´ them both in Consciousness, and in Form.
It is ´attunement with´ the Character and Quality of the tangible vibratory frequencies of these ´Seven Spirits´ which allows the creation of one´s personal ´firmament´.
When these Seven Dimensions of Reality are experienced on a consistent basis, heaven and earth are then one insofar as you are concerned. It is this fact which proclaims the majestic, natural, and holistic state of Oneness which makes it possible for us to ´let our Light shine...!

Reconsider ´The Firmament´ ; What the second of the Four Forces generates.

The means through which the Seven Inner Planes or Dimensions of The ONE
find expression through Man into the world as it now is, are spoken of as
The Seven Outer Planes. Let´s consider these vitally important gateways of Spirit.

 Table of Contents

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