Although the word ´Consciousness´ has come into a Renaissance of late, and is much bandied about, it is a word that was once discarded (in the 18th century) for the more specific ´Conscience´.  ´The Church´, which ran a good many of ´the schools of higher learning´ (universities) at that time may have had something to do with this development, as ´consciousness´ was seen as an ´amoral´ variation of ´conscience´ . And something ´amoral´ was definitely not what seemed in the best interests of the Church. And ever since, people have mixed these two words up, often saying one word when meaning the other. But as ´Consciousness´ is a large theme within ´The Attunement Center´ offerings, I thought it best to delve into the word and it´s deeper meanings before we moved on much further. G.C.M.
Originally in Latin, we have the word concire, which meant ´ be mutually aware´,a compound verb formed from the prefix com-´with, together´, and scire-´know´, (the source of the English science). Hence, ´to know something with (within) oneself´ implied in a neutral sense ´consciousness´, but also a moral awareness, a differentiation between right and wrong for example as generally used. The derived noun conscientia carried both of these meanings, general, and specific moral, via Old French into English. A parallel Latin formation, using the root sci-, the base of scire was  conscius ´aware´, acquired by the English in the 17th century as conscious._ Dictionary of Word Origins
Consciousnes is a precious gift from Our Creator. Not merely to be enjoyed, as it can be at no other level of Creation, but rather to be ´employed´. For a human being there can be no other gift of such immense potential and value. For consciousness is no less than the perfect interface with the Life and Intent of our Creator. This sacred gift allows us the wonder filled experience of Love, of Truth and ultimately of Life Itself. Consciousness allows every level of our outer capacities of body, mind, heart and the capacity for spiritual expression to actually have the opportunity to meet with the Source of our Being. This Holistic Pow-wow takes place only at the ´Sea of glass, clear as crystal.´ It creates the possibility of fulfilled Responsibility, the possibility of co-creating with ´That´ which created us, no less a reality than ´heaven on earth!´ What could be more challenging or more noble? And how can one ever return enough real gratitude for such a sacred shot at finally doing the right and fitting thing? It is easy really. By unreservedly offering oneself upon the Altar of Life Itself as a willing and delighted participant in discovering what it is that is to be our contribution to the Whole.
For consciousness, though a gift, is only given to be employed, to be employed in the manner that the Giver desires, not as we may desire. Here is the secret of creative and practical spiritual living; Learning how ´to let´ that process take place. And this is why it was said long ago ´that the Father seeks those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.´__Courtland Miles

´The document produced by Vatican II, Dignatatis Humanae... treats human freedom very seriously and appeals to the inner imperative of the conscience in order to demonstrate that the answer, given by man to God and to His word through faith, is closely connected with his personal dignity. Man cannot be forced to accept the truth. He can be drawn toward the truth only by his own nature, that is, only by his own freedom, which commits him to search sincerely for truth and, when he finds it, to adhere to adhere to it both in his convictions and his behaviour.´__ John Paul II.

On the other hand, Science, much to it´s chagrin, has had to begin to come too terms with consciousness. And it has finally started to shed some light on the puzzle. Light that is not just abstract or philosophical, but intimately familiar to anyone who gives it a moment´s thought. The physicist Penrose has suggested in his wisdom, that the notion that the human mind can ever fully comprehend itself , could well be folly. In fact scientists will have to acknowledge the existence of something beyond their ken- something that might best be described as soul or spirit. The Damasios, a husband and wife team of neurologists from the University of Iowa, have found what they call regions ´which may serve as convergence zones in the brain´s left hemisphere´. An area in the temporal lobe which pulls together information about the names of objects, animals and people, for instance, while another area in the frontal cortex appears to act as the nexus for verbs. A third area oversees the task of assembling nouns and verbs into sentences. The Damasios suspect that convergence zones -thousands of them , spread through the cortex-do more than just process language. They may also coordinate every other sort of information the brain needs-perception, memory, emotion-to be fully functional. And if that is true, the convergence zones, merging disparate disparate pieces of information into a semblance of a whole, could be responsible for that most elusive of brain phenomena: consciousness, the sense of being in the here and now. There are no shortage of other theories however. The Salk Institutes Dr. Francis Crick (the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA) and Christopher Koch, at Cal Tech, is that consciousness is somehow a by-product of the simultaneous, high frequency vibratory firing of neurons in different parts of the human brain. It´s the meshing of those high frequencies that generate consciousness, according to Crick and Koch, just as the various tones from individual instruments produce the rich, seamless sound of a symphony orchestra. Crick acknowledges that this is a highly speculative theorem in his book The Astonishing Hypothesis (which carries the ironic subtitle The Scientific Search for the Soul). At New York Medical School neuroscientist Dr. Rudolpho Llinas also thinks coordinated electrical signals give rise to consciousness., though his idea is subtly different than Crick´s. Using a highly sensitive device called a magnetoencehalograph, which indirectly measures the electrical currents within the brain, Llinas measured the electrical response to various external stimuli. What he observed was a series of perfectly timed oscillations. Says Llinas: ´The electrical signal says that that a whole lot of cells must be jumping up and down at the same time.´ These oscillations he believes, are the basic building blocks of consciousness. Llinas says?light is nothing but electromagnetic radiation. Colors clearly do not exist outside our brains, nor does sound. Is there a sound if a tree drops in the forest and no one hears it? No! Sound is the relationship between external vibrations and the apparatus of the ear and ultimately the brain. So if there is no brain present, there is no sound.´ Thus he feels that all of these external things have no objective reality beyond man: as with a rainbow, you can perceive it, but never touch or measure it. Now while scientists may observe certain things and develop these theories, what lies behind these incredibly complex and coherent patterns? Roger Penrose, a mathematician from Oxford University, argues that consciousness may arise from Quantum mechanics, of all things, from the same process that governs the behavior of sub-atomic particles. (While the scientists theorize, realizing that they must somehow come to grips with this basic question, I suggest that the answer lies behind what can be observed, that it may be found ultimately in the design and control inherent in Life itself, which conducts this elegant symphony.) _ Time Magazine, with a closing comment in ( )´s by the editors

Consciousness and conscience are two different and distinct gifts. Consciousness allows each one of us to perceive ´all that is not us´, whereas conscience relates to that part of the human being that may be labeled ´us´, at least that part of us that Knows! For instance, while we may possess a consciousness of various religions or systems of morality, it is actually our conscience which is the ´inner voice´ which tells us what rings true and what rings false. Thus ´Conscience´, relates to an individual´s sense of Integrity, that which he or she holds fast to, or refects no matter what storms may rage within the environment surrounding them: And ´Consciousness´ may be expanded to encompass more and more of the pure and ultimate truths and principles of Being. But ´Conscience´ will always express the ´practicality of the Greater Wisdom´ by reason of it´s ´Reflective Integrity.´ __Courtland Miles

.Two things hold me in awe: the starry heaven above me;
and the ´moral law´ within me.__Immanuel Kant.

´We greet the sun because the sun gives us warmth and life´. Somebody along the way said, ´these guys are worshipping the sun´. But we´re not worshiping the sun, we just honor the sun by greeting it in the morning and we pray to the Creator. The Creator created the sun, and the moon, the stars, and Mother Earth. We still have just One Creator. Though we say the Creator has no gender, we often refer to him as Great Spirit or Grandfather.
The Creator put things here for a purpose and that is why we respect the plants, the trees, and even the rock that´s lying on the ground. Our forefathers don´t teach us that the tree is there for the leaves to give off oxygen. It is up to us to see why it is there. In our teachings, they simply teach us to respect these things and to respect other people and other peoples space. Our Creator cannot judge you. The Creator is here to guide you.___Larson Medicine Horse ,Crow Sundance Chief

A thousand creeds have come and gone,
But what is that to you or me?
Creeds are but branches of the self same tree
The root of Love lives on and on
__ Ella Wheeler Wilcox

´In Quantum field theory, this field is seen as the basis of all....

The distinction between matter and empty space finally had to be abandoned when it became evident that virtual particles can come into being spontaneously out of the void, and vanish again into the void, without any nucleon or other strongly interacting particle being present...

( This is called the physical vacuum.) The vacuum is far from empty. On the contrary, it contains an unlimited number of particles which come into being and vanish without end.

Here then, is the closest parallel to the Void of Eastern Mysticism in Modern Physics. This ´physical vacuum´ is not a state of mere nothingness, but contains the potentiality for all forms of the particle world... As the sutra says, ´Form is emptiness, and emptiness is indeed form´_ Fritjof Capra The Tao of Physics

The world of your creating is not isolated or separated from the worlds created by others, any more than your divine Self is independent of the divine Self of anyone else. You are divine, they are divine. All are apart of God. God is one. The world of God is one and includes the whole cosmos with all its divine ramifications and states.
                                 _ Aumra

Your body, your mind, and your emotional nature are a part of the world of your environment. They are not you. You are the one capable of observing and using them. Anything which you observe cannot be you, the observer. These capacities, however, are the means of your creative expression on earth. Through them you may know and reveal your divine Self.
__Martin Cecil


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