The MIND or MENTAL PLANE, encompasses a number of interpenetrating 'bodies or levels' which flow in, over, and around each other, ebbing and flowing as the tide upon the beach. Covering the earthen form and even flying upwards as spray, exploding into the air in a wanton attempt to become gaseous spirit. Nevertheless, this 'idol' which mankind worships as a God, has 'feet of clay' which are dissipated in the undertow of the pressures of Life; washed away in the undertow of it's own foundations of logic and reason. And yet, what a future it has in the PRESENT!

We often think of MIND as being rather nebulous and etheric, but in fact it has more in common with the 'bull' which even common astrology is wont to represent it's plodding dumb ox-like nature as. Actually it has the potential when yoked with SOURCE, or it's CREATOR, to be 'the bright and morning star'; playing a most sacred and vitally unique part in the revelation of what is emerging from the Pneumatomenal Realm into the world of form, in each moment. Unfortunately, it is not and has not been content with that awesome role for some 20,000 years. Let us allow a whole New Paradigmatic Shift to overwhelm all of 'the restless schemes of the mind for dominance and power over ourselves and nature', and by letting...and loving...let the power of Life come to bear upon it to let it return to it's rightful and wonderful place in the Divine Design! Let it mount up and fly again!

On the Wings of Spirit this beautiful creature under Divine Control serves God and Man
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In common parlance 'the mind' is imagined to be only something which emanates from the human brain: A sort of 'command and control center' for the rest of the body. And that definition works well for it's function in relationship to the central and autonomic nervous systems. However, as we may we may easily guess there is a whole lot more that we don't know about it's function and purpose than we imagine we do know. In fact, what we do know falls rather short of the mark when we consider the vast potential of this often willful and capricious capacity. Actually, (not taking my word for it, but being willing to let it be proven out in your own living), 'the mind' is created to play a vitally important role in the Creative Processes as they unfold, allowing the Purpose of the Cosmos to be known conceptually by each of us, so we can move with it according to our own highest understanding of what is moving.

The MIND is designed to be an organ of BEING, that invisible source of LIFE which is beyond, or back of, what we normally think of as the MIND. And, there are various levels of mind which interpenetrate each other. One artist has pictured it as above. And in truth it is 'the wing-ed dragon' whose purpose is to fly freely in the Air of the Spirit, retrieving the emanations of the Divine at that level and returning with them to the body from whence it arises. For the mind is not something apart from the body. Neither is it who we are. It may wish us to imagine that we are what it thinks it thinks, but in fact many now realize that right up close and personal, their minds have become the master deceivers and rationalizers which have lulled us into a state of self-hypnosis. That narcissistic state which so many are in without even dreaming they are. WAKE UP!!!!! JOIN THE COSMIC RADIATION which BLESSES all of CREATION through each one who offers their capacities to that which created them.
           000om om love you all let love radiate  praise creator/serve your fellowbeings and all!!!!!!!!!

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Some of us, who are beginning to awaken from the 'nightmare of  the mind-made world' are beginning to experience 'intimations of' what it might mean to really be awake. We have tasted the unspeakable, and therefore unmanipulatable JOY of BEING, and know it didn't come from our MINDS.
I am so thankful many are beginning to see through this WIZARD of OZ-LIKE PHONY and begin to move towards SOURCE. COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS we call it at present. Why? Because we will no longer have anything to do with the deadly control game of 'usurpation' which the mind has played for millennia, using guilt, fear and all else in it's arsenal to seek to convince us that it is God.  That it is what created us: And we know deeply that this simply isn't the case. It may play it's rightful role, if it bows to Krishna, the LORD, the Father Within, the Master Self, or whatever you may wish to call it. But this it must do, coming into 'attunement with' rather than all this 'knowing about' so that we can begin to receive the information contained in the Light from the Sun before the self-centered mind gets it's steel trap on it and feeds us all,. manner of misinformation. The Blind King is dead!!!!!!!


 And as we come to that CENTER POINT, that CROSSOVER POINT where we are freely and fully in the Present Moment, the mind must take the role of the secretary too the Spiritual Expression Plane, as LIFE emerges into this world through us! Praise the LORD of Heaven and Earth, I say!
And to hell with our past acceptance of the control of 'the mind', which had risen up as a fascist dictator almost, and compelled us by reason of  our lack of awareness of it's devilish tricks, deceits, and general load of codswallop! It's days are numbered in all who are awakening to Reality.
Thus can we begin to live, getting info in each moment directly from SOURCE; and begin to act upon it, finding that it contains the exact and fitting wisdom for whatever comes up, either in us or around us. Then we become creators, and masters of our lives on behalf of that which created us. Talk about empowerment, hey, there's nothing .like it anywhere. For after all, as I said earlier, Life created the MIND; It knows how to nurture it. No more shall it feed your our life blood. As the Master said long ago apparently: "Get thee behind me satan." That's exactly what it is symbolically when it tries to go it alone without regard fore the Whole; out of key with the Radiant Resonance of the Song Celestial. Oh, it is a fine instrument, but like a powerful and beautiful horse which loves to serve it's master, so rightly does the MIND when there is someone on hand who finally knows who is boss, and delightedly allows the 'universe to unfold' through proactive co-creation through the body, mind, and the other realms or capacities which we shall look at next.
  What an instrument. And considering we only use .00023 percent of it's capacity as it's slave, what a bright unimaginable future lies ahead in present moment, after present moment of being in 'attunement with' SOURCE/the CREATOR of the body, the mind, and all the rest!
So.... the MIND, your mind, my mind, and all of the many levels of mind was/is designed by SOURCE/GOD to be 'the bright and morning star'; that which glows with 'the Spirit of Truth' which arises in each moment from the seat of Consciousness, which in turn arises from the Universal Radiation of LOVE, or 'the Strong Force' which holds all things together. As we've seen, it's true position is to function in the Air of the Spirit. Yet, enamored of itself and this potentially important role, and having the freedom to choose, it decided to usurp the role of that which created it. It therefore became a god unto itself and as many as followed it in it's rebellion against Being. Yet any intelligent person with the right premise can easily see through the perfidy of it's arguments and distractions. For instance, the Truth cannot be arrived at by the use of logic and reason, yet the Truth, when experienced, will never defy the laws of logic and reason.

So...we have various levels that have been labeled, such as;
1. Conscious mind...which is barely conscious at all, excepting for it's immediate environment in the material world.

2. Sub-conscious mind... that sea of shared consciousness and feeling which seems to move us this way and that according to whatever pops up. Especially when the 'lid isn't on id', so to speak:-)

3. Supra-conscious mind, or Higher Mental Center...which begins to blend with and reflect/ perceive the essential unity of all things. out of this level arise real inspiration and understanding

4. Mass-Consciousness...which as now used seems to mean the sum total of all mental emanations, or more precisely the shared cellular memory of the race.nevertheless, it is into this that we will find it is most effective " to let LOVE radiate without concern for results"

5. So-called Astral or Ethic Body...which isn't a body at all really, but in fact is the Higher Emotional Center of the Mental Level. The atomic level of memory one might say, which connects us with the feelings back of every experience filed away, perceived, or of which we may become aware under certain conditions usually by various unwise practices which tend to take one out of the present and the real world.

Yes, the mind is an important capacity of our Being, particularly when it begins to know it's place in the Design of Being. All to often it is the usurper of identity; What the Bhagavad-Gita calls 'The Blind King', dependent for information on it's servant-' the five senses' as one, for it's self-active deliberations and tin pot ways. It is characterized in that state by amazingly nonchalant arrogance and deviance from TAO, or the Way of Life, which seeks to use the MIND in all it's glory to SERVE the BEING or LIFE FORCE which created it in the first place. 

The old dictum, "I think therefore I am" is backwards in this writer's view. I would go so far as to say that it's author got "de-carte before de horse!" In other words, if it weren't for BEING/LIFE,  there would be no mind at all. No Life, no mind! Simple. This should give us a clue as to whom it's real master is in fact. But no, the human mind, like a stubborn mule, wants to go it's own way, and do it's own thing without regard for the whole. Thus we have the shortsightedly created mess we see all around us in every aspect of man's endeavors on earth. So idiotic has the 'judging' MIND been, that we are almost ready to draw our last breath as a race, or else to be swallowed up in the garbage we have so thoughtlessly and cavalierly left behind with no thought for the morrow. What total abdication of even basic responsibility. And of course that's exactly what it has failed to do. It hasn't realized why it should even bother to be responsible. To have 'the ability to respond' to that which created it. And of course it's answer to this is to deny the existence of any organizing, intelligent force in the universe.

  Really. These arguments, if one could call them that are wearing rather thin, to say the least. So on it plods, without regard for the Purpose for which the Larger Creative Cycle created it.

So in this sense, the mind has been "crawling on it's belly in the dust of the earth", rather than flying in the air of the Spirit as it was originally created to do. Let's mount up with the wings of eagles as someone put it long ago, and take flight on the golden rays of mornings light! More next month. Peace be with you and about you as you find that you are the One who must use your mind, and not the other way round!
Enjoy the Process of Transmutation, it's really the only Way to go! :)
Radiant reflection of the radiant Light of SOURCE.
The MIND is best used by 'LIFE  ITSELF' as 'a Resonant Reflector of the Light of Truth' from SOURCE
and each mind is unique and original. Enjoy the Creative process !
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