WARNING: These reviews reflects our own personal opinion and approach towards the songs and works of Janne da Arc. I admit that I do not know much about making a review and about the technical stuff so I am not going to discuss them much per song. Our reviews are affected by our own tastes in music so please do not bash or get angry if it does not meet your own opinion in a song. We will be respecting your comments so please respect ours as well.

Aubrey says: I may be a little bit biased being a fangirl of this band. I give high scores to their songs and places a highly recommended mark on my favorite ones. Please know that I absolutely love ballads so most (but not all) of the songs I would be recommending would be ballads. I know that I may not be rating objectively but we all have our own opinion and likes in music so I don't mind if you think otherwise.

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Owner: aubrey
Opened: June 2006
Purpose: To spread the Janne da Arc love and to rave on how great and beautiful their songs are. To express our opinion on their songs and album and to lead people to the right sites to know more about them. This is definitely a band not to be missed. ©©©
Layout: Version 4 featuring KA-YU. I know that all the band members are also included in this layout but the main focus is really Ka-yu because his picture is the one which was displayed separately.
Credits: Jougen-no-Tsuki for the coloring tutorial used on the pictures and Celestial Star for the brushes used. I don't remember yet again where the actual picture came from but I am thankful to whoever owns it.
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