Offered By Beth Coleman

What you can expect during a session:

Beth Coleman channels Healing Masters who work with your guides to repair the Etheric Body. She provides a clear conduit through which the Healing Masters observe the Etheric Body and proceed to repair, rebuild, and realign it. You are given a step-by-step description as they work, and the information coming through may assist you in understanding the underlying causes of experiences that you may be having in your life. Some people will have some physical sensations as Beth is channelling.

Beth provides a comfortable environment where you can safely release physical and emotional past-life trauma. You will be supported and cared for by a facilitator who is non-judgmental and non-invasive and who helps direct you toward your path to total self-empowerment.

What is the Etheric Body?

The Etheric Body is the energy field around the physical body. For Beth, it encompasses all of the other subtle bodies (emotional, duplicate of the physical, spiritual and mental) as well as the balance between the male and female energies. Some people call it the Aura. Everyone sees the Etheric Body, we make our first impressions on people by what we see. Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself that you did not think you would be able to trust that person?

Your reaction to that person was based on what you saw in the Etheric Body.

Why would you consider an Etheric Body Repair?

Every injury that you have ever experienced, including past ancestral history, is recorded and stored on the Etheric Body. For example: if your ancestor was a 10-year-old when he broke his arm, when you reach the age of 10 in this lifetime you would start to re-experience the broken arm as pain or even re-break your arm.

The Etheric Body influences the physical body into wellness or ill health, depending on the state of the Etheric Body.

When the Etheric Body is repaired, and aligned properly, your life starts to get better and faster:

communication improves
pain is eliminated from the physical body
more self confidence appears
greater sense of inner peace

Sometimes the Etheric Body will displace itself, or move around, causing dizziness, nausea, becoming unbalanced or even difficulty in breathing.

The Etheric body can sometimes split into several sections and rotate in different directions causing confusion, and because it is something that doctors do not see or cannot X-ray, they cannot find a solution to the dis-comfort their patient is reporting.

When bones or organs are damaged on the Etheric Level, repairing them on that level improves the physical well-being and eliminates pain.

Call for an appointment: 801 486 8961

Etheric Body Healing is considered a spiritual technique. The charge for my time is $170 regardless of the length of the session.

Cranio Sacral Therapy

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