"A dog is truly man's best friend. A trained dog is not only a pleasure to live with but a companion for life"

There are many training methods to choose from. The key word is "gentle!" It is NEVER necessary to hit a dog or otherwise force him into doing something. When the bond between master and dog exists, the dog will want to please. "Gentle" training, "gentle" corrections, "love" and the ability to "read" your dog will prove in the end that "quality time" spent together pays off!
Ivy is shown on the following pages at 6 1/2 months old. Our training sessions are about 15 minutes a day. She has never been hit, never heard a harsh word, and has proven once again if you give love, you will get it in return.



ivy� �pray

To teach this I start with Ivy in a "sit" position then I will place a pillow on the floor in front of her and give her the command "Say Your Prayers" and at the same time bring a biscuit from her nose down to the pillow. If her paws do not go on the pillow, I will place them there and give her the "stay" command. The more this is worked on, it will progress to Ivy putting her head and paws on the pillow in one smooth movement. The key here is to get her head down and paws by her face. When teaching this, be sure and hold the biscuit very close to her nose while on the pillow at the same time. Now you may ask why she doesn't snap at the biscuit? Well that's because Ivy knows the command "Leave It." A biscuit can be held right at her nose with the command "Leave It" and she will be still as a statue until she hears the words "Take It" and then and only then will she reach forward to take the biscuit.




Ivy starts this trick in the "down" position then I hold the biscuit in front of her nose and give the command "IVY CRAWL" while moving away from her. If she goes to get up, I repeat the "down" command then the "crawl" again. For some dogs it may help if you can move forward with the biscuit and place your other hand gently on their shoulders. This will show them what is expected. It's also a good idea to give them the biscuit while still in the crawl position otherwise they can get used to crawling a little bit then popping up for the treat!







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