never a dull moment!
(",) azlan ::~~~
the Absolutely Hilarious, Fabulously Wonderful guy!


stumbled onto your blog while searching for Smart Fortwo price in Malaysia...
just wanted to say it is THE most interesting site i have come to so far.
but am still very sceptical if Azlan is a real person/man

i do not think there exist a Malaysian male who has the balls to put forth such ideas
blatantly (though can't say i find anything written that i disagree with so far)- but then
i read the legal disclaimer note - which makes me believe more that Azlan is a fake
and some poor sod is having his photos posted on the net as Azlan.

And to shamelessly advertise himself on the net? - very dodgy - though i have met men
with unbelievebly inflated ego that surpassed any logic - so maybe Azlan is real...

anyway, bravo for the site and thanks for making my lunch breaks less boring.. ;)

ps. the muslim/dog thing - i still can't find any self righteous islamic scholar (in M'sia)
that can give any clear reason for it to be haram - much less a logical reason.
- If you think it is frustrating to be an inteligent muslim man in this country, try being a
muslim woman...

Rosmeili Khalid
[email protected]

Hello Azlan
I think you're a funny and witty guy
who seems to have all the time in the world for your creative musings!

Azlela Aziz
[email protected]

"Goodness! is this guy for real?"
Ridzwan Ramesh B. Abdullah
Marketing Manager

"You're such a sweet guy, Azlan."
Debra J. Palardy
Author of:
Sweetie How Much Should You Give Up to Keep That Relationship, I Can Answer That
Sweetie Here's the Best Reason on the Planet to Say No to Your Boyfriend: Even If You've Already Said Yes

"Wow... check you out… you're cool man...
I worship you... You're the man... You're the king…!"

Ahmad Shahrir Baharuddin
Kuala Trengganu

Proof that ads work... And yes... I got comical amusement from your site...
soldier on, brave, foolish man, soldier on!
May you find the beautiful, intelligent, 20-something female your loins and heart lusts after!

Zsarina Bakar and Zsarina's Deep Blue Sea
[email protected]
Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur

"Anyways, you have really high criteria, you know that? hehe.
None of my friends meet them! hehehe. Most definitely, not I.
I have IQ of only 120! hehe.
Well, I guess you must take into consideration that the girl of your dreams may also have standards. You know what I mean? :)
Well, I really wish you all the luck in your quest for your match
Tina Elaine
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

"i've checked ur clever website cum advertisement seeking for ladies around the world
...and the way i would put it we actually have lotsa things in common. honestly...
it's like when i read about u it is more like reading about myself...
about how we look at life, our perceptions, our thoughts and views...
i really would like to get acquainted with you..."

Nawal Shahril
Ideas and Thoughts Exchange Executive

"Just checked out your site - very impressive!
Tell me, do you have to update the 'About My Age' section every year?!?!"

Adrian Grist
(even more absolutely hilarious, more fabulous, but not quite as wonderful guy!)

"Yes, I'm still hungry...
...just click reply and lay it on me!

Sadie Allison

"i was intrigued by your insights on islam.
i too share many of your thoughts about the islamic laws in malaysia."

Nazrul Alias
[email protected]

"Hey Azlan,
yes, I agree on your essay about love and romance.
Hope you had a good weekend,
Irene =)

"are you the last ‘real’ Malay man?"
Junaida Abdul Hamid
Manager - Employee Relations

"Saya pun tak tahu macamana saya boleh sampai kat website azlan.
Rasanye, saya tengah surfing and somehow click punye clik,
tersampai kat your website. I thought somebody had made a site
and put your picture in there without you knowing. So i read on,
and got interested in your religious idealogy."

Mohd Nazim
[email protected]
Daytona Beach, FL

"interesting what you wrote in your profile…
:) I’m sure you're having a whale of a time with
all the emails coming in from intelligent young babes…
ciao for now..."

"MyLady RMJ"
[email protected]

"u hv been nothing but super duper nice to me
n thanx for being so understanding"

Juliana Azman

"Man seeks good looking women - hardly news is it?!
Only joking, why this guy has to even ask for anyone
to contact him is beyond me - he naturally attracts
the nicest people and then - as if that was not enough - 
brings out their best qualities."

Chloe Monroe
Los Angeles, CA, USA
& London, UK

"I'm doing fine and keen to explore more about you. I'm working
in Houston TX now in international business especially for aviation
and oil industry. Insyallah, if I'm free and bored, I'll call you."

Aline Kamaruddin
Houston, Texas

"i saw your website and particularly interested in the bipolar support group! 
well you are so experienced... you have seen so much and achieved so much...
but i think there's too much info on u at the website... You have a nice day!!
and say hi to SPEEDY!! give her a pat on the head for me!"

Larissa Teoh

"man, am i lucky to find you!
thank you so much for all the great pieces of advice!!
you have saved my life from eternal doom!!
really. hehehehe... my endless thanks and more power"

Ciudad nin Sorsogon

"OO no look out for this guy! he looks like too hootttt to handle!"
San Francsico/San Jose, CA

"Azlan, you're a lovely caring gentleman. Wow, Azlan! I just read
through everything you wrote on your web-pages and you are a
rare delight in this world, my friend - thank you.
Ottawa, Ontario

"hey azlan ur being loved simply because of the friendship u offer
and the thoughts you write. live n laugh!"

Sheilla Elizza

"wow... really nice friendship site... tersusun je...
so how's life..?!?.. doin good in everything..??"

Shah Alam

"hey there, long time no chat. your site looks great!!!
Its refreshing to meet someone that is interested in
someone's inner beauty first before the outer...
Thank you so much for always being kind..."

Ms Laurie
Los Angeles, CA

"i love ur site... and i think u should write a book... Azlan Adnan's Thoughts... =]"
Starry Dzullia

"Salaam Azlan!
;D You're hilarious, d'ya know that?! ;D
*mUaH* Love ya, Di.
Hadiyah Tayammum Mohamed
Sacramento, CA

(and not to say the least, VAIN to boot)!
Jangan marah, ye?
Hajjah Normala
Los Angeles, CA

"thank you so much for letting me see the picture clearly...
not mentioning the time and the patience. i see u as a blessing
to every person u touched with ur simple deed. someone blessed u
to put a smile in a face, heal the aching, clear the rough road,
and lighten the blurry window... im thankful i have u as my friend.
i really appreciate the kindness and respect u showed me.
i offered u friendship, u gave me so much that a friend can ask for.
i asked u for a minute or so but u gave me so much of ur time and
attention as well in return. u showered me with ur warm thoughts
and great mind! i believe that what you say are not just inspirational
words but facts that we, young people, should try to figure out!
you put emphasis on things that matters most and not on the things
that only last for a while. U do not only get us back on reality but
most importantly is you give us the right tool in combating what this
world has laid to us... to be able to make the right judgements,
right decisions, and right choices."

Rizchelle F. Sampang
Quezon City

"To my friend Azlan... u always have the sweetest things to say!
One of the most sincere and respectable men I have ever come across,
attributes that are exceptional and rare."

Carla-Maria Cadotte
San Francisco, CA

"what can i say about this gentleman here - he is one ladies,
he had this long convo with me about the different types of love...
def a man who knows what he wants and the bigger picture in life.
very sweet has great theories and can hold a convo if u have a decent IQ.
haha j/k but ladies... make sure to give this nice guy a try - u'll be glad
to have a friend to whip u back into reality and make ur life better.
Angel Darling
Hillsborough, CA

"he is absolutely harmless fabulously wonderful guy i ever met!!
u're my honeybunch, sugarplum pumpy-umpy-umpkin,
u're my sweetie pie u're my cuppycake, gumdrop snoogums-boogums,
u're the apple of my eye n i luv u so n i want you to know dat i'll always be
right here n I luv 2 sing sweet songs 2 you bcoz you are so dear...
he is my tutor, n a gr8 friend too... he's a real bud 2 me... friendsip 4 ever...
cheers dude!!
miss $hak3yRa

Who Else Have Been Talking About Me?


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