One day this lunatic was jumping up and down on a manhole cover screaming at the top of his lungs, "Seventeen!! Seventeen!!"

Intrigued by the man's behavior, another man walks over to him and asks why he's doing that. The crazy man responded, "It's a blast. You have to try it! Jump as high as you can and scream 'Seventeen!!' as loud as humanly possible."

Reluctantly, the second man gets on the manhole cover, barely hops and says, "Seventeen?"

The insane man says, "No, no, no! You're doing it wrong. Jump higher.Yell louder."

So, the second man begins jumping a little higher and says, "Hey, you know, I am getting a little bit of a rush. Seventeen!! Seventeen!!"

At the height of his jumping, the crazy guy suddenly pulled the manhole cover off, causing the man to fall to his death.

Replacing the cover, the lunatic began jumping and screaming again, "Eighteen!! Eighteen!!"
Useless Boob
Tale of the Little Gray Rock
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