"If you remember me...I will remember you.......forever."

"Anna Wiese"

"Anna Wiese"

"Anna Wiese"

Say her name three times, it is told, and all the dogs in Devil's Run will start to howl an unholy din as they did on the night Anna was murdered, or so the legend goes.....
As written, by Ken Black, staff writer for a local area newspaper, and recent inductee to I.P.A.S.S.:
"At only 20 years of age, Anna was beaten and slashed to death with her head nearly being severed from her body on Aug. 26, 1893, by her lover and his mother.
Several years before her death, Anna made a promise herself. "If you remember me, I'll remember you forever," she wrote.
Could Anna's words really be prophetic? Could she really be remembering those who remembered her?
Besides the dogs barking when you call her name, many other strange reportings have been associated with Anna. Some say that on midnight of Halloween, she makes her presense known, in some mysterious ways. Others say they have experienced an uneasy feeling when being near the site where she was murdered on the anniversary of her murder shortly after 10pm...the time she died."
But, is it true?
This is what 5 members of I.P.A.S.S. wanted to find out on a cold November evening, Friday the 5th, 1999. So we packed up the thermal scanner, electromagnetic meter, the 35mm, video and audio tape recorders and headed out to investigate the murder site and final resting place of Anna Wiese.
On Wednesday, the 3rd, I took a drive out to the Anna Wiese murder site. Not the sort of place portrayed in the horror movies. Two corn fields now line the gravel road that Anna walked to her death on that warm August night. In this first picture you can see the murder site, the house in the background is the home of her lover and mother. Although they found bloody prints to the house, on doorknobs, clothing, etc. there was never a conviction. Click on thumbnails to view full pictures.

Although I picked up some very strange readings on the thermal scanner, no results were obtained from this site when we returned on Friday. Perhaps, as legend dictates, we must wait for the anniversary of her death?
Author Ken Black next to the other site of the investigation, Anna's grave site. I recorded a 15 degree drop in temperature consistantly on the south side of her grave stone.
"Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord", a grim reminder of her brutal and tragic death. But has Anna found her vengeance?

Perhaps not....

Upon arrival to the grave site, as we were setting up our equipment, four of the five investigators heard a strange sound coming from the SW corner of the graveyard. Upon acknowledging it, the sound stopped, not to be heard again throughout the rest of that nights investigation.
As I was standing behind Anna's grave, listening to the strange sound, I thought one of the other investigators had walked up next to me, as I had the feeling of someone coming up into my space, but when I glanced over to see who it was, there was no one there and I had the feeling of disorientation one sometimes gets when the senses have been fooled.
Getting video set up on the tripod and audio tape recorder recording, we were ready to put the legend to the test...
"Anna Wiese, Anna Wiese, Anna Wiese", I called, feeling somewhat foolish. Of course, nothing happened. Or did it??
Upon playing back the video, at the completion of the call, there is an immediate small light, that shows up, hovers a moment, then takes off. It was 36 degrees out, and there were no bugs in the pictures. All other lights at the grave that night could be explained by headlights, flashlights, etc....But not that first light....
Investigator, Mona Jacobson, had been scanning the cemetery with the thermal scanner, as the rest of us took pictures. At one point, she called she had a reading in the same SW corner of the cemetery we had heard the mysterious sound. I and Ken both took pictures in this area, here are our results:

Photo taken by Ken during the investigation. Similar site photo taken during investigation by another member shows no reflective material to cause a flash back orb.

Nothing else was recorded that night, or at least, so we thought.
Upon listening to the audio tape, there occurs a burring vibration noise, just before investigator, Josh Hubbell shuts it off. I would probably dismiss this, had I not recorded an exact same burring noise at the site of the Osborne grave at Vegors. And never since then....
So concludes our initial investigation of the Anna Wiese grave site. We will continue to investigate this area and report further results.

One final oddity occurs at the Anna Wiese grave. No one knows for how long, who or why, but the caretaker at the cemetery reports that occasionally, and for as long as he has been there, he will find coins laid on the base of her monument. Exactly twelve of each coinage. Twelve quarters, twelve dimes, twelve nickels and twelve pennies. No one has ever caught anyone doing this, and no one knows who it is, or what this might symbolize. Could this be the restitution of a guilty conscience??

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