Simpson College Investigation

"A 125-year-old building on this campus, known as Old Chapel, is haunted by the ghosts of students who died there. A male student committed suicide in the old tower, and a woman is said to have hanged herself from the ceiling beams in 1924. Another woman is said to have hanged herself from the chandelier, which is visible through the second-floor Palladian window. At least two female students have fallen to their deaths in the open stairway inside the chapel. Over the years, dozens of students and a security guard have reported encountering apparitions on the wooden staircase in the building."
From Dennis William Hauck's Book:"Haunted Places"

On Tuesday, August 31, while attending Rush week at Simpson College, my niece, while standing on an emblem outside, felt something run it's finger up her back and ruffle her hair. When she turned to see who had done it, no one was there!

So begins our investigation of Simpson College, check back often for pictures and updates.

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