A Dog's Love

The True Story of Smokie

This is the true story of my dog Smokie. We purchased Smokie when she was 3 months old. She was like our child, slept with us, sat on the couch and watched tv with us, went camping, everything.

She got hit by a car when she was 6 months old, and got a hernia from the impact. She lived quite some time after that, but forever more she would be plagued with problems because of this hernia. Finally, her struggle ended on February 17, 1998, while staying at a friends house. We sadly picked her up and put her in our garage until we could take her to the local pet cemetery and give her a loving burial, the next day.

We sadly went to bed that night, already deeply missing our beloved pet. At around 3am, our bedroom closet burst open, throwing all of the contents out into the room. Right on top was our Dog Love book.

It was as if Smokie was trying to say, "Hey, I�m not leaving you until you�re ready". But would we ever be ready? My tears said; "probably not".

The next day we took Smokie to her final resting place. A beautiful pet cemetery that sits just across the street from a human one. We stopped along the way to purchase a pocket camera to take pictures of our last farewell.. This is the picture we got that day:

Do you see it? The image in the smoke? We do and we believe it's Smokie, giving us one more reminder that she's not as far gone as we may believe.
Here is the original and two other pictures where we have laid in the pictures of what we believe we see. Can you see her? We can.

One final note: On the 17th of every month since her passing, we find something of hers left behind, usually a couple of hairs here and there, and this in spite of the fact that we have since moved from the place we lived when we had Smokie with us. And the strangest thing of all is where we usually find the hair....
It's on our pillow when we wake up!
Here is another picture taken on the day we buried Smokie:

Thank you for reading about me and Smokie!!.......Angi

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