To I.P.A.S.S.©

I.owa P.aranormal A.dvisors and S.pirit S.pecialists

We are a group of individuals, each with our own beliefs, experiences and talents who have come together with one common interest, the paranormal.
There are no dues or fees for membership, only a desire to learn more about the world that we can not see, the world which lies just beyond our normal senses.
Although we have coined the term specialist, there really are none in this field. For what we are trying to prove, simply cannot be proved, rather it comes down to ones own beliefs and how you wish to interpret the material we present here.
We are trying to prove the existance of life after death, and can one ever really prove this until one, himself is dead?
Come with us now and our world of the Paranormal, check back often for we are continually updating and adding new investigations.

Weep Not
Weep not for me when I am gone, for I have heard life's short sweet song.
I've felt the poison sting of time, and at long last heard death's sweet chime.
Hold no sorrow at my death, for on the wind rides my last breath.
Keep happy memories of me alive, in hearts of loved ones that survive.
And this, my only last request, as I slumber in Earth's sweet breast.
When time brings you its bitter end, remember I love you, and we will be together again.
Original Poem by Joshua Bernard Hubbell©

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