Like BR, an oldie but definite goody
A popular punky favorite
Bad Religion: Need I say more?

And now, Mr. Walters, where would the world be without music?

Gimmie Gimmies, Descendents, and some others that I'm sure I've forgotten.  It's funny though; a lot of the time I'd rather listen to the Eagles, Pharcyde, Blues Traveler, or Bill Evans just to let my "musical horizons" (whatever) expand or something.  I just like to be a well-rounded musician and I think I've pulled that down so far.

Things that tick me off about music are bands like Face to Face.  Their first four or five cd's (depending on if you count Live or not) are great.  I love them.  It's a very cool sound and I would give an arm to be able to make everything they do stick together so well.  So what's up with the new cd, "Ignorance is Bliss?"  It sucks.  Period.  It sounds like 1994 Pearl Jam.  I can't stand it when a talented band that has a following decides to change everything about their music. If I didn't believe so strongly that they're all the same inside as they were in 1987, then I'd say even their message has changed from a classic punk theme about politics to something more along the lines of "please play us on the radio to make money."  But I may be wrong.

Hmm, where to begin?  I guess my life with music started at age four.  I learned to play the piano in July of 1987.  It was cool for about five years, and then got really boring.  Practicing took too much time, lessons were annoyingly repetitive, and I didn't like the music I had to play.  Once I got my priorities straightened by my dad in seventh grade though, I kinda got a new focus on piano and began to enjoy playing again.  Once Sophmore year rolled in, me and two friends joined a jazz band and BAM! piano was one of my favorite things to do.
That may not have anything to do with punker music, but I'm going to tie it in.  In fifth grade, I started screwing with the guitar and bass guitar.  Nothing serious, just a kid burning some time.  In seventh grade, the guitar became a regular part of my daily schedule.  Seventh grade also saw me introduced to a new sound that I had never really heard before:  punk rock.
Both of my older brothers were really into NOFX and Face to Face.  I took both of these bands to heart immediately, but was a little hesitant with the rest of the punk bands.  So while my mind expanded to incluide more than radio semi-punk (Offspring's "Smash"

and Green Day's "Dookie"), my fingers began to strum the guitar in an upbeat, harmonic rhythm that still keeps me at the amp today.  In October of 1996, I started a punk band with four of my friends.  The band went uphill, barely, and saw numerous changes in positions with only Brandon and me staying in the band and only Brandon staying constant on his instrument.  It wasn't really until April '99 that Brandon and I picked up a very talented young drummer named Michael Cox from our jazz band and got serious about playing Softcore.  The three of us, combined with Hunter Rose on the bass (Brandon at the guitar) sounded incredibly good for a week.  Then Mike broke his leg and Hunter announced his interest in playing hardcore.  That left me and Brandon with high hopes for our music but low hopes for our band.  Now things have sorta come back together for us and we're doing pretty well.
My music is what you might expect if you're familiar with emo/softcore at all. 
My list of favorites, in some order of potency, reads as follows:       Face to Face, Lagwagon, Bad Religion, All, the Ataris, Millencollin, Pennywise, NOFX, Strung Out, Blink 182 (old stuff), No Use for a Name, Me First and the

Tasty softcore
Do I really need to explain?
Back to the index, Robin!

Check my Fave Bands Here

The best band of all time
THE BEST emo band out
Now they're sell-outs but they used to rock
Lots of goods here at... The best comprehensive punk site I've seen yet.
It took them 11 years to get this good
Click here for some Face to Face samples on Real Audio
Japanese Punk?  You'd better believe it
I heard them on the radio the other day but they're still grrrrrrreat!
Yes, they are THAT GOOD
First impressions are very very positive Go here for the 411 on all your favorite punk bands
Melodious yet upbeat...a true popcorn punkers dream
Bad Religion owns it, everyone good is on it


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