Jacob Heineken is a 15 year-old high school student from Austin, TX.  When he's not spending time hanging out with his friends and playing video games, he loves to watch Steven Seagal movies with his little brother, Dawson.  His favorite movie is "Under Siege", but ranks all of Seagal's other films as close seconds.  He thinks Terri Summers is the hottest woman on the planet, and some day hopes to sleep with her.

Jacob first became a Steven Seagal fan three years ago when his mom hired Seagal to play at Dawson's 9th birthday party.  As pictured above, Seagal rocked so hard that the next day Dawson regained full use of his legs again!  Never having witnessed anything so powerful before, Jacob knew he had to dedicate his life to telling the world about the greatness of Steven Seagal.  Dawson now aspires to be the star of his own films, playing a mentally-handicapped detective who can make a door explode simply by closing it. 

Both boys are saving up to buy a grapefruit farm.
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