"Hi there, it's Steven Seagal here.  Have you ever had one of those days where some guy with no watch tries to mug you?  I get that all the time.

Well, worrying about this situation is now a thing of the past.  Next time it happens, just follow this advice..."
DELIVERING AN ASS-KICKING PART 4 :  How to beat the ass of a guy with no watch!
"Does this look familiar?  You're trying to enjoy your day when some loser with no watch puts a knife to you."
"He might not know what the time is, but you sure do. IT'S TIME FOR AN ASS-KICKING!"
"The first step, and one that is important in many combat situations, is the yawn-and-stretch. There is not a mugger alive who would interrupt a sleepy victim's need for a stretch, so use this to your advantage."
"Now it's time to lay on the confusion.  Ask the mugger if he knows what the time is.  Being that bad guys are usually about as sharp as bowling balls, he'll say something like 'huh?'  Scratch your head casually and say, 'here, let me check'."
"Look like you're closely inspecting his wrists for a watch (knowing full well that he doesn't have one - this is part of the deception!) And when you've got a good grip on his arm..."
"BOO-YA! You've just delivered another successful ASS-KICKING!  Now it's time to go home and relax, but of course you'll be the only one who knows it because he still doesn't have a watch."
And thus concludes this week's lesson.  Be here when the gong strikes to signal another lesson in professional ass-kicking!
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