This would make Batman consider a career change!  The Joker would attack people with exploding grapefruit, and make them laugh hysterically at his ridiculous jackets.  Gotham would tremble before this squinting clown prince of crime!
The following pictures were sent to me by CRAIG DUNBAR, the guy who invented Indonesia.  I've been getting a few e-mails from people telling me the only thing that would have made "Matrix Reloaded" a good movie would be if Steven Seagal was in it.  No amount of Agent Smiths would ever be able to pin him down, as he would have KICKED ALL THEIR ASSES and then gone and made sweet, sweet love to Monica Bellucci.  He is truly THE ONE!
Visit Craig's movie production site...he makes the BEST MOVIES EVER!
Send suggestions or pictures of the FUTURE of Steven Seagal to Jacob Heineken - since he is creatively lazy and would rather have YOU do all the work.
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