You're probably thinking this is a section on how I'm planning to build some sort of KICK ASS Steven Seagal Gundam robot, that has a 3000 ft long sword and is fuelled by grapefruit juice.  While that would be unquestionably SWEET, it's not quite accurate.

As we all know, Steven Seagal will live forever.  And while he's tackled nearly every type of movie role ever written (the hard boiled undercover cop, the environmentalist undercover cop, the spiritual undercover cop...), there are still a few more left for him to call his own.  This section is devoted to the movie roles that Steven Seagal SHOULD HAVE been chosen for...

Or should that be... "HULK KICK ASS!"  The only thing that could ever make Steven Seagal kick more ass would be if he turned into a giant 9-foot green Steven Seagal.  Can you imagine that?  Not only would the world be a better place, but 'The Hulk' would have been a better movie.
"Aaaaaah, my precioussssss..." you could hear his whispering voice proclaim!

Those midgets wouldn't stand a chance if they tried to get the One Ring off this focused and determined creature!  Not only would he bestow upon them a Ye Olde Ass Kicking, but he might go around Middle Earth offering suggestions as to how everyone could get along better.  Even Sauron might chill out a little more!
"My name is Kurt Vagner...but in ze Munich circus I vas known as ze incredible ASS KICKER!"

Even though Steven Seagal could easily play ANY of the X-Men, it would be the BEST EVER if he was Nightcrawler.

(Actually I think it would be better if he was Wolverine, but there's this really cute chick in my class at school named Sarah and she thinks Nightcrawler is the best ever, so I thought I'd say that instead.  Maybe then she might go out with me.)
Send suggestions or pictures of the FUTURE of Steven Seagal to Jacob Heineken - since he is creatively lazy and would rather have YOU do all the work.
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