Like the Yeti, the UFO, the decent Pauly Shore movie and the guy who just wants to be friends with a hot-looking girl, he is ELUSIVE!  He journeys the Earth under a veil of shadow, cloaked in secrecy.  Mystique follows him wherever he walks.  Not that blue chick from 'X-Men', but an aura of dangerous invisibility.

I am, of course, referring to STEVEN SEAGAL!

Few have been blessed with meeting him, being touched by him in a way that no man has ever touched them before.  Even fewer have had that moment immortalized on film.  This page is for those proud few...
Dan Jensen sent this one in.

"I met Steven Seagal in Egypt recently.  He explained to me what it was like to invent the pyramids, and briefly touched on the cosmic significance of them.  He did not reveal too much, but enough to make me believe he's the BEST EVER!"

Matt Garrett sent in this pic.

"Steven Seagal came up to me one night at a club when I was trying to get this girl to sleep with me.  He told me I was doing it all wrong.  I asked him what was correct to do, and it didn't take long before I was focused and determined enough to be swingin' the chain!  Soon after, this girl and I were makin' with the love, but strangely I couldn't help thinking about Steven Seagal the whole time..."

Sounds like SOMEONE needs to visit Terri Summers' site more often!
Have you had an encounter with Steven Seagal?  If so, e-mail your picture and words to Jacob Heineken so he can share it with the other 3 people who visit the site!
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