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Members-only Page

Coven of the Blood Moon


Greetings. We are known as The Coven of the Blood Moon. We will be an on-line eclectic coven formed of teen Witches and Wiccans from all over the globe, but however, just currently being formed. We, being teens have to help and encourage eachother to grow. I hope this will be a place for such relationships to be created between the 13 future members.
The name 'The Blood Moon' was chosen for it can represent both life and death, and therefore good and bad. The name represents both the 'right' and 'left' paths of magickal practition. We believe that all is equal and fair. There is no such thing as evil, just energy and what you choose to do with it. Whatever your intentions may be, they will be returned to you times three [I honestly didn't mean for that to rhyme]. The 'Blood Moon' is also the Celtic name referring to the full moon in September.

If you agree with all or some of the explinations above, and are interested in joining the coven, please feel free to fill out a submission form as shown below.

Please sent e-mail to: [email protected]
and include the following fields:

1) Your given name

2) Your magickal name

3) Your age

4) Your sex

5) Your location(province/city ect.) (please do not use short forms!)

6) Why you want to join the coven/what you want to get out of it

7) How long you have been practicing wicca

8) Mention a few things you know in relation to the religion

9) how long you are online per week (ie 7 hours average)

10) your timezone

11) A little about yourself/whatever else you'd like to say

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