This is a large cavern with a sandy beach. You enter onto this beach through a long, misty tunnel. Past the small beach, a huge underground lake begins, freshwater, fed from a cool spring at the bottom. The water is cold, but you can see many mythical water-creatures in the water, mainly mermaids, but some more exotic variations too. You dive into the cold water and meet the very friendly bunch. It is crystal clear under the water and you can see the bottom far beneath you. Some fish live here too, either in the thick kelp jungles on the lake floor or in the beautifully colored coral reef that has grown up one rock wall below the surface.

"Hello, my name is Kimbera, how are you? Cold?" A lovely mermaid swims up in front of you. Her hair and scales are the color of sun-bleached kelp. She smiles and speaks in a lilting voice that you can hear clearly even through the water. "We mermaid like the cold of these waters and the darkness of the subterranean cave. I'm sorry if you are caused any discomfort. Explore - we are glad to have visitors, so few people brave these waters to see us. The mysticals and meermaids here will make sure you have air to breath, so enjoy!

A horse swims by A horse with fins! It must be a Hippocampus, half horse, half fish! His brand says his name is "Waywren" His soft whiney can be heard, distorted by the water.

Below you you see yet another mermaid. Her red hair stands out against the sandy bottom. She frolicks with the fish in the kelp, looking just darling. Little fishies follow her everywhere. Another mermaid calls her name - "Embriel." Her fin moves with dazzling grace as she spins and flips through the water on the tails of some of the larger fish!

This dear is Esmerelda, the first mermaid to come to the Cove. She is lovely and enjoys taking cat naps on rocks. When she is not napping she loves to play tag with the other mermaids. Her and Embriel are Bestest Friends!

This little gal is a real sweety! Her name is Yvonne. She loves all things sweet, especially, you guessed it - salt water taffy! She's still just a kid, and she certainly acts like one. She loves to play pranks, but her innocent smile gets her out of trouble most of the time. Her and the ugong play together constantly!

Yvonne swam here from The Oceandise!

This little guy - way cute no? - is a Dugong. A very rare cousin to the otter and the seal. They are very agile and quick underwater, but tend to be slow on land. They were almost hunted to extinction by humans who would hunt them while they sunned themselves on rocks. They were helpless out of the water. Dugongs are not violent in any way, they are too loveable to do anything of the sort! My little Dugong's name is Goliath!

Goliath was adopted from Zoes Dugong Adoptions!

You are pretty far down now, and notice a writhing shadow running across the bottom of the cove. Above you swims a long serpent...A Sea Dragon! This is Ciulus, named after one of the draconic gods of water! Ciulus washed upon the beach outside New Beginnings and has been just recently shelled! He's grown so fast! We decided he should live here in the Cove, even though he is a dragon and should be in a pool in one of the Dragon Weyrs, to protect to mermaids if a trapper were to come in! He is very quick and an excellent swimmer!

This is Ciulus when he first hatched out on the beach!

A bark shap swims below you, like a black cloud. You look down into the cloud of black and see a sea monster, huge - gigantic - swimming along the bottom of the cove, its tail whipping behind it, ten times your length or more! It's sleek body seems to eminate a dark cloud of electricity, but you've never seen black electricity before. "That is Atlantis, one of the guardians of this Cove. She has a Darkness as you can see. This Darkness is a magicl spell that is bonded to one's body that allows the one bonded to teleport even if they would normally not possess the powers. She is a good overseering because she was an alpha female in her pod when she was free in the ocean. Hunters drove her here - she's one of the last of her race. We hope to find another somewhere - so that the species can be continued. We are very proud she chose to come to us." She swims by eying you cautiously but, used to visitors, she passes you by without a second glance.

To your left, you see a most interesting sight - a half lion/half fish! This young Lish...or Fion rather...must be very new to these parts, as he is looking around, trying to find his way. He swims down toward the kelp and his scales glitter in the clear water. He disappears into the darkness of the kelp forest, but you can still see the glass-like scales gleaming amongst the waving leaves. Suddenly, a small fish comes darting out of the forest kelp, the Fion following quickely. He catched the fish and in one gulp devours it! The circle of life continues here as well!

A lovely crimson flash shines below you, chasing bright fish up toward you, then past and around you is a bubbling of swirling cool water. You see a lovely crimson mermaid in front of you, zooming up to the surface with the fish and dolphins, bnreaking through the water and splashing back several feet away. "XARA!" a little mermaid calls from below. Xara swims back down to meet the little swimmer in another crimson blur, giggling and flowing with bubbles from her dive.






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