Main Office

As you enter the office you notice the extreme difference from all the other parts of the center...out there it is quiet and peaceful, but in the office it is bustling with energy and paperwork. Computers click and beep as clerks and typists and receptionists of all different species do their jobs. Firelizards and other small dragons and brd fly papers back and forth across the huge room, dodging people and pillars left and right. A tiny bronze firelizard zooms by you shoulder carrying a thick phone directory to a woman behnd you. The whole place is a cacaphony of excitement and, oddly for any office, happiness! The receptionists smile as they talk on the phne and write out letters in a number of different languages. A large dragon is coordinating the little lizards from the center of the room, a perpetual cloud of them all around her face. You are so engrossed in the buzzing office atmosphere that you do not notice the man that walks up behind you...

The man behind you is...well...NOT human. He's sort of a leather-clad cross between a human and a dragon, standing upright and speaking, but scaled and tailed! He talking in a slight accent that sounds a lot like he's from Boston. "Hey, friend. You may have met my twin brother, Kayman, already. I'm Kayman - confusing isn't it? Just call me Kay. I run the main floor of the office...a hectic job, but I love it. I feel like an air traffic controller sometimes. Here in the office we keep all the paperwork straight - or as straight as possible - and basically just monitor operations throughout New Beginnings. I am the top dog here and in most of NB, answering onlly to Azrielen, the Headmistress herself. Azrielen used to hold this title herself, but she felt she needed to spend more time with the animals, so I got the job. My brother recommended me!" He chuckles at that and them starts on about the different sections of the office.

"There are several major castes or types of workers here in the office. There are Monitors, analytical dragons and other creatures who watch the temperatures and supplies throught NB, making sure all the areas are properly cooler, heated, and stocked. It's a job that requires much patience and a good eye for detail. They are the most trained or our workers. The next level is the Clerks. These are the bulk of who you see here, all behind the desks. They take care of the paperwork and outside relations. They keep in touch with our agricultural centers to keep us supploed with food year-round and they make arrangement for new arrivals. All adoption papers are routed through them first. The other level is our airborne Carriers. These guys are all the firelizards and birds you see all around. They fly papers and supplies not only around the office, but all over the cave system NB is a part of. We also have a long-range flight service to take personnel to fields, orchardds, and other facilities all over the island. Our large dragon make up the most of that.

"The office itself is a wealth of information ready for the taking. In our easily accessed databases are all kinds of information. The story of how the island was settled and New Beginnings started is popular for visitors, as is the story of our founder, Azrielen. She is a very misterious woman, but very powerful and lovely. We also have a complete listing of all the animals living here, updated once a week as new adoptees arrive and settle in. Another much-used list is that of all the NB officers, such as Azrielen and Founder/Chief and myself as Manager/Office Head. I hope you enjoy your stay and all the resources here - " He is cut off mid-sentence as a small but loud dragon bellows his name from the center of the room. Apologizing and wishing you well, Kay goes off to investigate the trouble, leaving you in front of a blinking database screen...

Explore The NB Database!

The Rolodex


All the adoptees in New Beginnings. An alphabetical listing of names, locations, and agencies! Perfect for the orphan-seeker and hopeful adopter!
New Beginnings'
Founding Story

Read the story of how Avalon was re-discovered and settled and built into New Beginnings. A great journey from rocks and beaches to a warm and loving home! Read of the Grail legend and the island's background in the time of Aurthur and his knights!

The mystery of NB's founder revealed in a candid autobiography by the woman herself. Read of Azrielen's spiritual and physical journey's, her origin and her dreams for the future of the Center she began!
MB Officer

A list of all the officers and main employees of New Beginnings. From the curator to the head cooks, find all their names, origins, and species in one all-encompassing listing!

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To The Adoptees Main Floor

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