Entobiath's Family's Weyr

This lovely couple has come to us just recently from Joey's Adoptions in the woods of the mainlands. They are one big happy family. The male is Entobiath, on the left, and his loving mate is Mekabrith. They are a veritable Romeo and Juliet, a play they've memorized and recited many times to the delite of the other animals of the hold. Their parents did not want them to mate, but they were in love and so they ran away to the woods, were the people at Joey's found them and sent them to us. Mekabrith was pregnant when she arrived - very pregnant - and she had their two children only hours after arriving here. Look, there they are now, littlw Jonadith and his sister Akabeth. They are just like little kids everywhere, mischeivious and obnoxious - too much to handle at times, especially when their mother fell ill just recently. But everyone pitched in to help and she is her healthy, busy self once again!

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