









Laws of The Game

The Field of Play

A soccer field is 100 to 110 m long and 64 to 75 m wide. Lines are marked on the field. Fields vary in size and quality!hut don't use this as an excuse for a had performance!

Sometimes you may play indoors or on a school playground-make up your own area to suit the number of players.

Each team has 11 players, plus two substitutes who can take the place of injured players.

Don't wear rings, chains or watches. Boots, of course, must be legal. All studs must be at least l3mm in diameter and less than l9mm deep; sharp studs are not allowed. In any case you will probably have moulded soles, which are safer and better for Australian conditions.

The referee will blow the whistle for tripping, pushing, obstructing, dangerous play, etc. They may also give free kicks for swearing or shouting.

Direct Free Kicks
A direct free kick allows you to kick directly for a goal without the ball being touched by another player. It is awarded for serious offences, such as charging, holding, pushing, kicking, tripping or jumping at a player, and handling the ball. If the offence happens in the penalty box, a penalty shot is given.

Indirect Free Kicks
When an indirect free kick is given, the ball must be played to another player before a goal can be scored. Indirect free kicks are awarded for offences such as off-side, obstruction, wasting time, a throw-in at the wrong spot.

The lines official and the referee will be watching for this. The off-side rule causes a lot of argument but is quite simple.

It is off-side if there is only one player between the line and the goal. You must have two opponents nearer to the goal line than you are.

It is on-side if the player is level with the second last player.

You will become off-side when the ball is passed to you. You are not off-side if you run from a deep position past defenders. You cannot be off-side in your own half.


You must throw the ball in, using one movement, with two hands from behind your head. Keep both feet on the ground behind the sideline.

Scoring a Goal

The whole ball must cross the line for a goal to be awarded.

Ball in and Out of Play

The ball is only out of play when the whole ball crosses the line. If it swerves over the line and comes back in, it is out of play. A throw is taken where the ball goes out.

The ball must be played forward from the kick-off. The opposition cannot come into the centre circle until the ball is played.

Length of the Game

A game is played in two halves, each of 35,40 or 45 minutes, with 5 to 10 minutes for half-time, depending on your age group.

The goalkeeper can handle the ball anywhere in the penalty box-but can only take four steps before throwing or kicking the ball. The goalkeeper cannot pick up the ball and roll it.

Dropped Ball
Sometimes when the referee starts play, for instance, after an injury, the ball will be dropped from waist height between two players. The players cannot challenge until the ball touches the ground.




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