Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Partial Fractions

  • AL 10 00 | - Outlines
  • AL 10 01 | - Introduction
  • AL 10 02 | - Rules
  • AL 10 03 | - Find partial fraction of 1/(x^2-6*x+8)
  • AL 10 04 | - Find partial fraction of 1/(1-x^3)
  • AL 10 05 | -
  • AL 10 06 | -
  • AL 10 07 | -
  • AL 10 08 | -
  • AL 10 09 | -
  • AL 10 10 | -

  • Answers

    AL 10 01. Introduction

    • Why do we need partial fractions ?
    • One reason is to find integral.
    • Eample : Find dx/(x^2-6*x+8)
      • Sine x^2 - 6*x + 8 = (x-2)*(x-4)
      • Hence 1/(x^2 - 6*x + 8) = A/(x-2) + B/(x-4)
      • Then we can find the integral
      • dx/(x^2-6*x+8) = (A*dx)/(x-2) + (A*dx)/(x-4)

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    AL 10 02. Rules

    • The numerator in partial fraction is less one power than denominator
    • Example 1 : (A*x + B)/(a*x^2 + b*x + c)
    • Example 2 : (A*x^2 + B*x + C)/(a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d)

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    AL 10 03. Example : Find partial fraction of 1/(x^2 - 6*x + 8)

    • Since x^2 - 6*x + 8 = (x-2)*(x-4)
    • Hence 1/(x^2 - 6*x + 8) = A/(x-2) + B/(x-4)
    • Both sides times (x^2 - 6*x + 8)
    • 1 = A*(x-4) + B*(x-2)
    • 1 = (A+B)*x - (4*A+2*B)
    • Hence A+B = 0 ............. (1)
    • 4*A + 2*B =-1 ............. (2)
    • Solve (1) and (2) we have A = -1/2 and B = 1/2
    • Hence 1/(x^2 - 6*x + 8) = -1/(2*(x-2)) + 1/(2*(x-4))

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    AL 10 04. Find partial fraction of 1/(1-x^3)
    • Since 1 - x^3 = (1-x)*(1+x+x^2)
    • Hence 1/(1-x^3) = A/(1-x) + (B*x+C)/(1+x+x^2)
    • Both sides times (1-x^3)
    • 1 = A*(1+x+x^2) + (B*x+C)*(1-x)
    • 1 = (A+C) + (A+B-C)*x + (A-B)*x^2
    • Hence A+C = 1 ....................... (1)
    • A+B-C = 0 ........................... (2)
    • A-B = 0 ............................. (3)
    • (2)+(3) we have 2*A-C = 0 ........... (4)
    • (1)+(4) we have 3*A = 1 and A = 1/3
    • Hence B = A = 1/3
    • Hence C = 1-A = 2/3
    • Hence 1/(1-x^3) = 1/(3*(1-x)) + (1*x+2)/(1+x+x^2)

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    AL 10 05. Answer

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    AL 10 06. Answer

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    AL 10 07. Answer

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    AL 10 08. Answer

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    AL 10 09. Answer

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    AL 10 10. Answer

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    AL 10 00. Outlines

    • 1. The denominator must have factors
    • 2. For factor with power 2 : (A*x + B)/(a*x^2 + b*x + c)
    • 3. For factor with power 3 : (A*x^2 + B*x + C)/(a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d)
    Major application
    • Find intergal

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