Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Coordinate geometry

  • AN 11 00 | - Outlines
  • AN 11 01 | - What is coordinate geometry
  • AN 11 02 | - Techniques in coordinate geometry
  • AN 11 03 | - In-center of triangle
  • AN 11 04 | - Circum-center of triangle
  • An 11 05 | - Ex-center of triangle
  • AN 11 06 | - Centroid or gravity center of triangle
  • AN 11 07 | - Ortho-center of triangle
  • AN 11 08 | - Slope and area of triangle
  • AN 11 09 | - Distance between orhto-center and circum-center
  • AN 11 10 | - Triangle ABC has four triangle by joining given points on sides
  • AN 11 11 | - Triangle :
  • AN 11 12 | - Triangle : Ortho-center, centroid and circum-center are colinear

  • Answers

    AN 11 01. What is coordinate geometry ?


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    AN 11 02. Techniques in coordinate geometry

    Distance between two points
    • D = Sqr((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)
    Slope between two points
    • S = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) and x2 NE x1
    Slope relation between two lines
    • Line 1 : y = s1*x + b1
    • line 2 : y = s2*x + b2
    • If line 1 is parallel to line 2 then s1 = s2
    • if line 1 is perpendicular to line 2 then s1 = -1/s2
    Equation of line for giving slope S and point (x1,y1)
    • Equation is y = s*x + b
    • Since (x1,y1) is on line, hence y1 = s*x1 + b
    • Then b = y1 - s*x1
    • Hence equation of line is y = s*x + y1 - s*x1
    Intersection of two lines
    • Line 1 : y = s1*x + b1
    • line 2 : y = s2*x + b2
    • Find point of intesection (u,v)
      • s2*u + b2 = s1*u + b1
      • Hence u = (b1 - b2)/(s2 - s1)
      • Hence v = s1*u + b1

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    AN 11 03. In-center of triangle
    • Let AB be horizontal. Let A(0,0), B(b,0), C(x3,y3)
    • Slopes
      • Slope of bisector of angle A is s1 = tan(A/2)
      • Slope of bisector of angle B is s2 = tan(B/2)
      • Slope of bisector of angle C is s3 = tan(C/2)
    • Equations of bisectors
      • y = s1*x + y1 - s1*x1
      • y = s2*x + y2 - s2*x2
      • y = s3*x + y3 - s3*x3
    • Intersections of bisectors
      • Bisector 1 and bisector 2 is at (u1,v1)
      • Bisector 2 and bisector 3 is at (u2,v2)
      • u1 = u2 and v1 = v2
    • Hence they are concurrent at I which is called in-center
      • We know coordinate of in-center I(u1,v1)
      • In-radius r is the distance from I to AB
      • In this case r = v1
      • Hence we can draw a circle with 3 sides as tangent to circle
    Coordinate of in-center
    • Let side AB be in horiztotal direction
    • Let BC = a, CA = b and AB = c
    • Tangent from A to in-circle is AF = (s - a) where IF is distance from I to AB
    • Coordinate of in-center is I(h,k)
      • h = (s - a) where s = (a+b+c)/2 and a,b,c are sides of triangle
      • k = (s - a)*tan(A/2)

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    AN 11 04. Circum-center of triangle
    • Let AB be horizontal. Let A(0,0), B(b,0), C(x3,y3)
    • Slopes
      • Slope of bisector of side AB is s1 = 0 and bisector of side AB is infinite
      • Slope of bisector of side BC is s2 and bisector of side BC is s22 = -1/s2
      • Slope of bisector of side CA is s3 and bisector of side CA is s33 = -1/s3
      • Slope of bisector of angle C is s3 = tan(C/2)
    • Equations of bisectors :
    • Intersection of bisector 1 and bisector 2 is at (u1,v1)
    • Intersection of bisector 2 and bisector 3 is at (u2,v2)
    • u1 = u2 and v1 = v2
    • Hence they are concurrent at U which is called circum-center
      • Circum-radius is UA
      • We can draw a circle passing point A, B, C
    Coordinate of circum-center
    • Let side AB be in horiztotal direction
    • Let BC = a, CA = b and AB = c
    • Let D be mid-point of BC, E be mid point CA and F be mid point of AB
    • Coordinate of circum-center is I(h,k)
      • h = AF where F is mid point of AB
      • k = r = a/(2*sin(A)) by sine law a = 2*r*sin(A)

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    AN 11 05. Ex-center of triangle

    • Let AB be horizontal. Let coordinates be A(0,0), B(b,0), C(x3,y3)
    • Slopes
      • Slope of bisector of internal angle A is s1 = tan(A/2)
      • Slope of bisector of external angle B is s2 = tan((pi - B)/2)
      • Slope of bisector of external angle C is s2 = tan((pi - C)/2)
    • Equations of bisectors
      • y = s1*x + y1 - s1*x1
      • y = s2*x + y2 - s2*x2
      • y = s3*x + y3 - s3*x3
    • Intersections
      • Bisector 1 and bisector 2 is at (u1,v1)
      • Bisector 2 and bisector 3 is at (u2,v2)
      • u1 = u2 and v1 = v2
    • Hence they are concurrent at I which is called ex-center
      • We know coordinate of ex-center I(u1,v1)
      • In-radius r is the distance from I to AB
      • In this case r = v1 (Assume AB is x-axis)
      • Hence we can draw a circle with 3 sides as tangent to ex-circle
    Ex-central triangle
    • Draw 3 ex-centers J, K, and L of triangle ABC
    • Triangle JKL is called ex-central triangle
    • Incenter of triangle ABC is at same position of orthocenter of triangle JKL
    Coordinate of ex-center
    • Let side AB be in horiztotal direction
    • Let BC = a, CA = b and AB = c
    • Coordinate of circum-center is J(h,k) between sides AB and AC
      • h = AF where F is AB tangenting the ex-circle = s and s = (a+b+c)/2
      • k = r = AF*tan(A/2) = s*tan(A/2)

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    AN 11 06. Centroid and gravity-center of triangle

    • Let AB be horizontal. Let coordinates be A(x1,y1), B(x2,y2), C(x3,y3)
    • Mid points of medians
      • Median AD : Med point of BC is D(xd,yd) where xd=(x2+x3)/2 and yd=(y2+y3)/2.
      • Median BE : Med point of BC is E(xe,ye) where xe=(x3+x1)/2 and ye=(y3+y1)/2.
      • Median CF : Med point of BC is F(xf,yf) where xf=(x1+x2)/2 and yf=(y1+y2)/2.
      Slopes of medians
      • s1 = (yd-y1)/(xd-x1)
      • s2 = (ye-y2)/(xe-x2)
      • s3 = (yf-y3)/(xf-x3)
    • Equations of medians
      • y = s1*x + y1 - s1*x1
      • y = s2*x + y2 - s2*x2
      • y = s3*x + y3 - s3*x3
    • Intersections
      • Bisector 1 and bisector 2 is at (u1,v1)
      • Bisector 2 and bisector 3 is at (u2,v2)
      • u1 = u2 and v1 = v2
    • Hence they are concurrent at G which is called gravity-center or centroid
      • We know coordinate of ex-center G(u1,v1), then we can prove
      • AG = 2*AD/3 and GD = AD/3
      • BE = 2*BE/3 and GE = BE/3
      • CG = 2*CF/3 and GF = CF/3
      • In this case r = v1 (Assume AB is x-axis)
      • Hence we can draw a circle with 3 sides as tangent to ex-circle

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    AN 11 07. Ortho-center of triangle

    • Let AB be horizontal. Let coordinates be A(x1,y1), B(x2,y2), C(x3,y3)
    • Slopes of altitudes
      • Altitude AD : s1 = -1/S23 and s23 = (y3-y2)/(x3-x2)
      • Altitude BE : s2 = -1/S31 and s31 = (y1-y3)/(x1-x3)
      • Altitude CF : s3 = -1/S12 and s31 = (y2-y2)/(x2-x1)
    • Equations of medians
      • y = s1*x + y1 - s1*x1
      • y = s2*x + y2 - s2*x2
      • y = s3*x + y3 - s3*x3
    • Intersections
      • Bisector 1 and bisector 2 is at (u1,v1)
      • Bisector 2 and bisector 3 is at (u2,v2)
      • u1 = u2 and v1 = v2
    • Hence they are concurrent at G which is called ortho-center or centroid
      • We know coordinate of ex-center O(u1,v1), then we can prove
      • A,B,D,E are concyclic if draw circle using AB as diameter
      • B,C,E,F are concyclic if draw circle using BC as diameter
      • C,A,F,D are concyclic if draw circle using CA as diameter
    Pedal triangle
    • The feet of altitudes make a triangle DEF which is called Pedal triangle

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    AN 11 08. Slope and area of triangle

    • Draw OXY coordinate
    • Draw point A(0,y) and C(0,v) on y-axis. Let y GT v
    • Draw point B(x,0) and D(u,0) on x-axis. Let u GT x
    • Join AB and CD. Let AB and CD meet at E(4,6)
    • Area of triangle AOB = 54 and Area of traingle OCD = 48. O is the origin
    • Find area of triangle EFD where F is a point at (4,0)
    • 1. x*y = 2*54 = 108
    • 2. u*v = 2*48 = 96
    • 3. Sope along AB
      • Slope of AE = (y - 6)/(0 - 4)
      • Slope of EB = (6 - 0)/(4 - x)
      • Hence -(y - 6)/4 = 6/(4 -x)
      • Or -(y - 6)*(4 - x) = 24
      • or x*y - 6*x - 4*y = 0
    • 4. Eliminate y from (1) and (3)
      • x^2 - 18*x + 72 = 0
      • (x - 6)*(x - 12) = 0
      • Hence x = 6 or x = 12
      • Substitute x into (1) we get y = 18 or 9
    • 5. Sope along CD
      • Slope of CE = (v - 6)/(0 - 4)
      • Slope of ED = (6 - 0)/(4 - u)
      • Hence -(v - 6)/4 = 6/(4 - u)
      • Or -(v - 6)*(4 - u) = 24
      • or u*v - 6*u - 4*v = 0
    • 6. Eliminate v from (2) and (5)
      • u^2 - 24*u + 144 = 0
      • (u - 12)*(u - 12) = 0
      • Hence u = 12 or u = 12
      • Substitute u into (2) we get v = 8 or 8
    • Area of triangle EBD
      • Area of EBD = EF*BD/2 = 6*(v - x)/2 = 6*(8 - 6)/2 = 6
    • Area of triangle EFD
      • Area of EBD = EF*FD/2 = 6*(v - 4)/2 = 6*(8 - 4)/2 = 12

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    AN 11 09. Distance between orhto-center and circum-center

    Geometric and trigonometric method
    • Construction
      • Draw triangle ABC. Let O be the ortho-center and Q be the circum-center
      • Let COH is the height
      • Join CD and draw DE perpendicular to AC
    • Triangle AQD : Angle QAD = 90 - B
      • Angle CDE = 90 - CDE
      • Use circum-circle, we have angle CDE = angle B
      • Hence Angle QAD = 90 - B
    • Triangle HAB : Angle OCA = 90 - A
    • Hence angle OCD = angle OCA - angle DCE = B - A
    • DC = R
    • OC = 2*R*cos(C)
    • Triangle DCO and we use cosine law
      • OD^2 = DC^2 + OC^2 - 2*DC*OC*cos(DCO)
      • OD^2 = R^2 + (2*R*cos(C))^2 - 4*(R^2)*cos(C)*cos(OAQ)
      • OD^2 = R^2 + 4*(R^2)*cos(C)*(cos(A) - cos(B-A))
      • OD^2 = R^2 + 4*(R^2)*cos(C)*(-cos(A+B)-cos(B-A))
      • OD^2 = R^2 + 8*(R^2)*cos(A)*cos(B)*cos(C)
    Analytic geometric method
    • Find ortho-center O using intersection of two heights
    • Find circum-center D using intersection of two side bisectors
    • Use distance formula to find OD
    • Use data in diagram to verify OD = (R^2)*(1-8*cos(A)*cos(B)*cos(C)
    • Where a = 2*R*sin(A)

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    Q10. Triangle ABC has four triangle by given points on side

    • Draw a triangle ABC and sides are a,b,c
    • Let E be a point on AC and CE = 2*b/3 and AE = b/3. AC = b
    • Let T be a point on BA and BA = c
    • Let F be a mid point of BC and BC = a
    • Join ET, TF and FE so that make four triangles
    • Let area of triangle BTF = x
    • Let area of triangle EFC = y
    • Let area of triangle ATE = z
    • If x^2 = y*z, find the ratio BT : TA
    • Find the area of triangle ETF
    • Let points be B(0,0), C(4,0) and A(x1=3,y1=3)
    • y = Area EFC
      • Area = FC*h/2
      • FC = a/2 and h = 2*y1/3 = 2. a = BC = 4
      • Area = (a/2)*(2)/2 = (4/2)*(2)/2 = 2
    • x = Area BFT and T(u,v)
      • Area = v*(a/2)/2 = v*(4/2)/2 = v
    • z = area AET
      • | x1 y1 1 |
      • | xE yE 1 | = x1*yE + y1*xT + yT*xE - xT*yE - xE*y1 - x1*yT
      • | xT yT 1 |
      • x1 = 3, y1 = 3
      • xT = u, yT = v
      • XF = 2, yF = 0
      • Hence area = (4 - u - v/3)/2
    • x^2 = y*z
      • v^2 = (2)*(4 - u - v/3)/2
      • v^2 = 4 - u - v/3
      • 3*(v^2) + v + (3*u - 12) = 0
    • BT + TA = c
      • Sqr(u^2 + v^2) = Sqr((u-3)^2 + (v-3)^2)
      • u^2 + v^2 = u^2 - 6*u + 9 + v^2 - 6*v + 9
      • 6*(u + v) = 18 or u + v = 3
    • Solve 3*(v^2) + v + (3*u - 12) = 0 and (u + v) = 3
      • 3*v^2 + v + (3*(3 - v) - 12) = 0
      • 3*v^2 + v + 9 - 3*v - 12 = 0
      • 3*v^2 - 2*v - 3 = 0
      • v = (2 + Sqr(4 + 4*3*3)))/6 or v = (2 - Sqr(4 + 4*3*3))/6
      • v = (2 + 6.32455)/6 or v = (2 - 6.32455)/6
      • v = 1.387425
      • u = 3 - v = 1.6125741
    • BT
      • BT = Sqr(u^2 + v^2)
      • BT = Sqr ((1.6125741)^2 + (1.38745)^2)
      • BT =
    • TA
      • TA = Sqr((u-3)^2 + (v-3)^2)
      • TA = Sqr((3-1.6125741)^2 + (3-1.38745)^2)
      • TA =
    • Find y*z
      • y = 2
      • z = (4 - u - v/3)/2
      • Hence y*z = (4 - u - v/3)
      • = 4 - 1.6125741 - 1.387425/3
      • = 2.3874259 - 0.462475 = 1.924951
    • Find x^2
      • x^2 = v^2 = (1.387426)^2 = 1.924951

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    Q11. Triangle ABC :

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    Q12. Triangle : Ortho-center, centroid and circum center are colinear

    Geometric proof
    • See GE 16 12
    Analytic geometric proof
    • Give coordinates of point A, B, C of triangle ABC
    • Find coordinate of ortho-center O
      • Find intersection of two heights
    • Find coordinate of circum center V
      • Find intersection of two bisectors of sides
    • Find coordinate of centroid G
      • Find intersection of two medians
    • Find slope of OG and OV
    • If slope OG = slope OV, then the proof is completed

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    Q00. Outlines
    Techniques in coordiante geometry
    • Find slope from two points
    • Find equation of lines by slope and point method
    • Find intersection of two lines
    • Find distance between two points
    Prove five centers of triangle by coordinate geometry
    • In-center : angle bisectors are concurrent
    • Circum-center : side bisectors are concurrent
    • Ex-center : angle bisectors are concurrent (one interanl and two external)
    • Centroid : Medians are concurrent
    • Ortho-center : Altitudes are concurrent
    Coordinates of five centers of triangle
    • In-center : h = (s-a) and k = (s-a)*tan(A/2)
    • Circum-center : h = c/2 and k = a/(2*sin(A))
    • Ex-center : h = s and k = s*tan(A/2)
    • Centroid :
    • Ortho-center :
    • AL 11 08 : Slope and area of triangle

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