Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Examples in Algebra

  • Q01 | - Find signs and zeros of y' and y"
  • Q02 | - Describe the curve y = (x - 1)/(x + 1)
  • Q03 | - Study graph of y = (x^2 - 1)/(x^2 + 1)
  • Q04 | - Study graph of y = (x^3 - 1)/(x^3 + 1)
  • Q05 | - Describe the curve of y = (x^3 + 1)/(x^3 - 1)
  • Q06 | - Sketch y = x + 1/x
  • Q07 | - Sketch y = x^2 + 2/x
  • Q08 | - Sketch y = x^3 + 1/x
  • Q09 | - Find signs of y' and y" of y = (x - 1)^2/(2*x)
  • Q10 | - Find signs of y' and y" of y = (x - 1)^3/(2*x)
  • Q11 | - Find signs of y' and y" of y = (x - 1)^4/(2*x)
  • Q12 | - Find signs of y' and y" of y = x^2 - 6*x + 8
  • Q13 | - Find signs of y' and y" of y = cubic function
  • Q14 | - Parabola : construct by geometrical method
  • Q15 | - Find volume of sphere using polar method
  • Q16 | - Find signs of y' and y" of y = sin(x)
  • Q17 | - Find signs of y' and y" of y = x^3/(x^2 - 1)
  • Q18 | - Find signs of y' and y" of y = x^4/(x^2 - 1)

  • Answers

    Q01. Find signs and zeros of y' and y"

    Properties of the curve of y = (x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3) related with y' and y"
    • 1. From the curve find the signs of y'
      • y' = (+) if x LT x1 (Curve is increasing)
      • y' = (0) if x EQ x1 (Maximum)
      • y' = (-) if x between x1 and x2 (Curve is decreasing)
      • y' = (0) if x EQ x2 (Minimum)
      • y' = (+) if x GT x2 (Curve is increasing)
    • 2. From the curve find the signs of y"
      • y" = (-) if x LT x3 (Concave doweward)
      • y" = (0) if x EQ x3 (Estimate the point of infletion)
      • y" = (+) if x GT x3 (Concave upward)
    • 3. Estimate the value of x1, x2 and x3 from the diagram

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    Q02. Describe the curve y = (x - 1)/(x + 1)

    Question 1 : Find equations of asymptotes from diagram
    • Equation of vertical asymptote : x = -1 and y goes to infinite
    • Equation of hoizontal asymptote : y = 1 as x tends to infinite
    Question 2 : Find stationary points and point of inflextion from diagram
    • No maximum point
    • No minimum point
    • No point of inflection
    Question 3 : Find domain and signs of y' from diagram
    • y' = (+) : Domain is from -infinite to -1
    • y' = (+) : Domain is from -1 to infinite
    Question 4 : Find domain and signs of y" from diagram
    • y" = (+) : Domain is from -infinite to -1
    • y" = (-) : Domain is from -1 to infinite

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    Q03. y = (x^2 - 1)/(x^2 + 1)

    Question 1 : Find equations of asymptotes from diagram
    • Equation of vertical asymptote : None
    • Equation of hoizontal asymptote : y = 1 as x tends to infinite
    Question 2 : Find stationary points and point of inflextion from diagram
    • No maximum point
    • Minimum point is at (0, -1)
    • Points of inflection : (-1,0) and (1,0)
    Question 3 : Find domain and signs of y' from diagram
    • y' = (-) : Domain is from -infinite to 0
    • y' = 0 when x = 0
    • y' = (+) : Domain is from 0 to infinite
    Question 4 : Find domain and signs of y" from diagram
    • y" = (-) : Domain is from -infinite to -1
    • y" = 0 when x = -1 (point of inflextion)
    • y" = (+) : Domain is between -1 and 1
    • y" = 0 when x = +1 (point of inflextion)
    • y" = (-) : Domain is from +1 to infinite

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    Q04. y = (x^3 - 1)/(x^3 + 1)
    Question 1 : Find equations of asymptotes from diagram
    • Equation of vertical asymptote : x = -1
    • Equation of hoizontal asymptote : y = 1 as x tends to infinite
    Question 2 : Find stationary points and point of inflextion from diagram
    • No maximum point
    • No Minimum point
    • Points of inflection : (0,-1) and (1,0)
    Question 3 : Find domain and signs of y' from diagram
    • y' = (+) : Domain is from -infinite to -1
    • y' = (+) : Domain is from -1 to infinite
    Question 4 : Find domain and signs of y" from diagram
    • y" = (+) : Domain is from -infinite to -1
    • y" = (-) : Domain is form -1 to 0
    • y" = 0 when x = 0 (point of inflextion)
    • y" = (+) when x is betwee 0 and 1
    • y" = 0 when x = 0 (point of inflextion)
    • y" = (-) : Domain is from +1 to infinite

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    Q05. Describe the curve of y = (x^3 + 1)/(x^3 - 1)

    Question 1 : Find equations of asymptotes from diagram
    • Equation of vertical asymptote : x = 1
    • Equation of hoizontal asymptote : y = 1 as x tends to infinite
    Question 2 : Find stationary points and point of inflextion from diagram
    • No maximum point
    • No Minimum point
    • Points of inflection : (-1,0) and (0,-1)
    Question 3 : Find domain and signs of y' from diagram
    • y' = (-) : Domain is from -infinite to +1
    • y' = (+) : Domain is from +1 to infinite
    Question 4 : Find domain and signs of y" from diagram
    • y" = (-) : Domain is from -infinite to -1
    • y" = 0 when x = -1 (point of inflextion)
    • y" = (+) : Domain is form -1 to 0
    • y" = 0 when x = 0 (point of inflextion)
    • y" = (-) when x is betwee 0 and 1
    • y" = 0 when x = 0 (point of inflextion)
    • y" = (-) : Domain is from +1 to infinite

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    Q06. Curve of y = x + 1/x

    1. Find asymptotes
    • x = 0 and y = infinite, hence x = 0 is vertical asymptote
    • x = infinite and y = x, hence y = x is line asymptote
    • Sketch lines : x = 0 and y = x
    2. Find sign of y' and zeros of y'
    • y = x + 1/x
    • y' = 1 - 1/(x^2) and y' = 0 when x = -1 or 1
    • y' = (+) when x from -infinite to -1
    • y' = 0 when x = -1 (Maximum point)
    • y' = (-) when x between -1 and 0
    • y' = (-) when x between 0 and 1
    • y' = 0 when x = 1 (Minimum point)
    • y' = (+) when x from 1 to infinite
    3. Find sign of y" and zeros of y"
    • y" = 2/x^3
    • y" has no zeros and no point of inflexion
    • y" = (-) when x from -infinite to 0 (Curve concave downward)
    • y" = (+) when x from 0 to infinite (Curve concave upward)

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    Q07. Curve of y = x^2 + 1/x

    1. Find asymptotes
    • x = 0 and y = infinite, hence x = 0 is vertical asymptote
    • x = infinite and y = x, hence y = x^2 is parabola asymptote
    2. Find sign of y' and zeros of y'
    • y = x^2 + 1/x
    • y' = 2*x - 1/(x^2) and y' = 0 when x = -1 or 1
    • y' = (-) when x from -infinite to 0
    • y' = (-) when x from 0 to x1 (x1 = 0.707)
    • y' = 0 when x = x1 (Minimum point)
    • y' = (+) when x from x1 to infinite
    3. Find sign of y" and zeros of y"
    • y" = 2 + 2/x^3
    • y" has zero when x = -1 (point of inflexion)
    • y" = (+) when x from -infinite to -1 (Curve concave upward)
    • y" = (-) when x from -1 to 0 (Curve concave downward)
    • y" = (+) when x from 0 to infinite (Curve concave upward)

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    Q08. Sketch y = x^3 + 1/x
    1. Find asymptotes
    • x = 0 and y = infinite, hence x = 0 is vertical asymptote
    • x = infinite and y = x, hence y = x^2 is parabola asymptote
    2. Find sign of y' and zeros of y'
    • y = x^3 + 1/x
    • y' = 3*x^2 - 1/(x^2) and y' has two zero
    • y' = (+) when x from -infinite to x1 (x1 = -0.57735)
    • y' = 0 when x = x1 (Maximum point)
    • y' = (-) when x from x1 to 0
    • y' = (-) when x between 0 and x2 (x1 = +0.57735)
    • y' = 0 when x = x2 (Minimum point)
    • y' = (-) when x between 0 and 1
    • y' = (+) when x from 1 to infinite
    3. Find sign of y" and zeros of y"
    • y" = 6*x +2/x^3
    • y" has no zeros and no point of inflexion
    • y" = (-) when x from -infinite to 0 (Curve concave downward)
    • y" = (+) when x from 0 to infinite (Curve concave upward)

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    Q09. Signs of y' and y" of y = (x - 1)^2/(2*x) Diagram to find signs of y' and y"

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    Q10. From the graph of y = (x - 1)^3/(2*x) find the signs of y' and y"

    From the graph find
    • 1. y-intercept
    • 2. Zeros of y
    • 3. Expression of function
    • 4. Find domain if y is positive
    • 5. Find domain if y is negative
    • 6. Find domain if y' is positive
    • 7. Find domain if y' is negative
    • 8. Find domain if y' is zero
    • 9. Find domain if y" is positive
    • 10 Find domain if y" is negative
    • 11 Find domain if y" is zero
    • 1. y = -6 (= -product of roots) when x = 0
    • 2. y = 0 if x = 1, x = 2 and x = 3
    • 3. Expression : y = a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d and d = -6
      • x = 1 and y = 0 hence 0 = 1*a + 1*b + 1*c - 6 .... (1)
      • x = 2 and y = 0 hence 0 = 8*a + 4*b + 2*c - 6 .... (2)
      • x = 3 and y = 0 hence 0 =27*a + 9*b + 3*c - 6 .... (3)
      • Solve (1), (2) and (3) we have a = 1 and b = -6 and c = 11
      • Hence the answer is y = x^3 - 6*x^2 + 11*x - 6
    • 4. y is positive when x between 1 and 2 or x GT 3
    • 5. y is negative when x between x = 2 and x = 3 of x LT 1
    • 6. When x LT 1.5 or x GT 2.5 the curve is increasing. Hence y' is positive
    • 7. When x between 1.5 and 2.5 the curve is decreasing. Hence y' is negative
    • 8. When x = 1.5 or x = 2.5 the curve has minimum and y' = 0
    • 9. The curve is concave upward when x GT 2 and hence y" GT 0
    • 10 The curve is concave downward when x LT 2 and hance y" no negative value
    • 11 The curve changel concavity at x = 2 and hence y" is zero (point of inflexion)

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    Q11. From the graph of y = (x - 1)^4/(2*x) find the signs of y' and y"

    From the graph find
    • 1. y-intercept
    • 2. Zeros of y
    • 3. Expression of function
    • 4. Find domain if y is positive
    • 5. Find domain if y is negative
    • 6. Find domain if y' is positive
    • 7. Find domain if y' is negative
    • 8. Find domain if y' is zero
    • 9. Find domain if y" is positive
    • 10 Find domain if y" is negative
    • 11 Find domain if y" is zero
    • 1. y = 0 when x = 0
    • 2. y = 0 if 2*pi, -pi, 0, pi and 2*pi
    • 3. Expression : y = sin(x)>
    • 4. y is positive when x between -2*pi and -pi or x between 0 and pi
    • 5. y is negative when x between -1*pi and 0 or x between pi and 2*pi
    • 6. y is positive when x curve is increasing
      • x between -2.0*pi and -1.5*pi
      • x between -0.5*pi and +0.5*pi
      • x between +1.5*pi and +2.0*pi
    • 7. y is negative when curve is decreasing
      • x between -1.5*pi and -0.5*pi
      • x between +0.5*pi and +1.5*pi
    • 8. When x = -1.5*pi or x = -0.5*pi or x = 0.5*pi or x = 1.5*pi then y' = 0
    • 9. The curve is concave upward when
      • x between -pi and 0 >li> x between pi and 2*pi
    • 10 The curve is concave downward when
    • x bewteen -2*pi and -pi
    • x between 0 and pi
  • 11 The curve change concavity and y" is zero (point of inflexion)
    • x = -pi
    • x = 0
    • x = pi

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    Q12. From the graph of y = x^2 - 6*x + 8 find the signs of y' and y"


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    Q13. From the graph of y = cubic function find the signs of y' and y"


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    Q14. Construct parabola geomtrically

    • 1. Find focus and equation of directrix
    • 2. Draw focus F, principal axis and directrix
    • 3. Draw a line perpendicular to directrix at Q1
    • 4. Join F and Q1
    • 5. Draw bisector of FQ1 and meet the line at P1
    • 6. P1 is point on parabola (FP1 = FQ1)
    • 7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 to get more points P2, P3, ....
    • 8. Draw smooth curve passing p1, p2, p3, ....

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    Q15. dA = (r^2)*cos(U)*dr*dV*dU

    • See CA 09 06

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    Q16. From the graph of y = sin(x) find the signs of y' and y"


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    Q17. From the graph of y = (x^3)/(x^2 - 1) find the signs of y' and y"

    • 1. x = -1
    • 2. x = +1
    • 3. y = x
    Use diagram to find
    • Domins for signs of y
      • 1. If x LT -1, then y = (-) with maximum
      • 2. If x between -1 and 1, y = (-).
      • 3. If x GT 1, then y = (+) with minimum
    • Domins for signs of y'
      • 1. If x LT -1, then
        • y' = (+) to maximum point
        • y' = 0 at maximum point
        • y' = (-) from maximum to x = -1
      • 2. If x between -1 and 1, then y' = (-)
      • 3. If x GT 1, then
        • y' = (-) to minimum point
        • y' = 0 at minimum point
        • y' = (+) after minimum point
    • Domins for signs of y"
      • 1. If x LT -1, then y" = (-) : Curve is concave downward
      • 2. If x Between -1 and 0, then y" = (+) : Curve concave upward
      • 3. If x EQ 0, then y" = 0 : Point of inflection
      • 4. If x between 0 and 1, y" = (-) : Curve is concave downward
      • 5. If x GT 1, then y" = (+) : Curve concave upward
    Use signs of y and asymptotes to sketch the curve
    • 1. Draw asymptotes
    • 2. If x is less then -1
      • y is negative
      • As x from -infinite to -1, y from -infinite to maximum to -infinite
      • Hence curve is between y = x and x = -1
      • Hence curve is concave downward with a maximum point (y' = 0)
    • 3. If x is between -1 and 0
      • y is positive
      • y is from infinite to 0
      • y is concave upward
    • 4. If x is between 0 and 1
      • y is negative
      • y is from 0 to -infinite
      • y is concave downward
    • 5. At x = 0, the curve has point of inflection (y" = 0)
    • 6. if x is greater than 1
      • y is positive
      • As x from 1 to infinite, y from infinite to minimum to infinite
      • Hence curve is between y = x and x = 1
      • Hence curve is concave upward with a minimum point (y' = 0)
    Find minimum, maximum and point inflection using y' and y"
    • Finf y'
      • y' = ((3*x^2)*(x^2 - 1) - (x^3)*2*x)/(x^2 - 1)^2
      • y' = (3*x^4 - 3*x^2 - 2*x^4)/(x^2 - 1)^2
      • y' = (x^4 - 3*x^2)/(x^2 - 1)^2
      • If y' = 0, then x^4 - 3*x^2 = 0
        • Hence x = 0 : It is point of inflection because y" = 0
        • Hence x = -Sqr(3) : It if maximum becasue y" = (-)
        • Hence x = +Sqr(3) : It if minimum becasue y" = (+)
    • Find y"
      • y" = ((4*x^3 - 6*x)*(x^2 - 1)^2 - 2*(x^2 - 1)*2*x*(x^4 - 3*x^2))/(x^2 - 1)^4
      • y" = ((4*x^3 - 6*x)*(x^2 - 1) - 4*x*(x^4 - 3*x^2))/(x^2 - 1)^3
      • y" = ((4*x^5 - 4*x^3 - 6*x^3 + 6*x - 4*x^5 + 12*x^3))/(x^2 - 1)^3
      • y" = ((2*x^3 + 6*x))/(x^2 - 1)^3
      • y" = 2*x*(x^2 + 3))/(x^2 - 1)^3
      • Value of y"
        • x = 0 and y" = 0 : Point of inflection
        • x LT -1, then y" = (-)
        • x GT +1, then y" = (+)
    • Minimum
      • y' = 0 and y" = (+)
      • Hence x = Sqr(3) and y = (Sqr(3))^3/(Sqr(3))^2 -1)
      • x = 1.732 and y = 2.59807
    • Maximum
      • y' = 0 and y" = (-)
      • Hence x = -Sqr(3) and y = (-Sqr(3))^3/(Sqr(3))^2 -1)
      • x = -1.732 and y = -2.59807

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    Q18. From the graph of y = (x^4)/(x^2 - 1) find the signs of y' and y"

    • 1. x = -1
    • 2. x = +1
    • 3. y = x^2
    Use signs of y and asymptotes to sketch the curve
    • 1. Draw asymptotes
    • 2. If x is less then -1
      • y is positive
      • As x from -infinite to -1, y from infinite to minimum to infinite
      • Hence curve is between y = x^2 and x = -1
      • Hence curve is concave upward with a minimum point (y' = 0)
    • 3. If x is between -1 and 0
      • y is negative
      • y is from -infinite to 0
      • y is concave downward
    • 4. If x is between 0 and 1
      • y is negative
      • y is from 0 to -infinite
      • y is concave downward
    • 5. At x = 0, the curve has maximum (y" = 0 ?)
    • 6. if x is greater than 1
      • y is positive
      • As x from 1 to infinite, y from infinite to minimum to infinite
      • Hence curve is between y = x^2 and x = 1
      • Hence curve is concave upward with a minimum point (y' = 0)
    Find minimum, maximum and point inflection using y' and y"
    • Finf y'
      • y' = ((4*x^3)*(x^2 - 1) - ((x^4)*2*x)/(x^2 - 1)^2
      • y' = (4*x^5 - 4*x^3 - 2*x^5)/(x^2 - 1)^2
      • y' = (2*x^5 - 4*x^3)/(x^2 - 1)^2
      • If y' = 0, then x^5 - 2*x^3 = 0
        • Hence x = 0 : It is maximum point
        • Hence x = -Sqr(2) : It if minimum becasue y" = (+)
        • Hence x = +Sqr(2) : It if minimum becasue y" = (+)
    • Find y"
      • y" = ((10*x^4 - 12*x^2)*(x^2 - 1)^2 - 2*(x^2 - 1)*2*x*(2*x^5 - 4*x^3))/(x^2 - 1)^4
      • y" = ((10*x^4 - 12*x^2)*(x^2 - 1) - 4*x*(2*x^5 - 4*x^3))/(x^2 - 1)^3
      • y" = ((10*x^6 - 10*x^4 - 12*x^4 + 12*x^2 - 8*x^6 + 16*x^4))/(x^2 - 1)^3
      • y" = ((2*x^6 - 6*x^4 +12*x^2))/(x^2 - 1)^3
      • y" = 2*x^2*(x^4 - 3*x^2 + 6))/(x^2 - 1)^3
      • Value of y"
        • x = 0 and y" = 0 : Not agree with diagram. Why ?
        • x LT -1, then y" = (+)
        • x GT +1, then y" = (+)
    • Maximum
      • y' = 0 and y" = (-)
      • Hence x = Sqr(2) and y = (Sqr(2))^4/(Sqr(2))^2 -1)
      • x = 1.414 and y = 4
    • Maximum
      • y' = 0 and y" = (-)
      • Hence x = -Sqr(2) and y = (-Sqr(2))^4/(Sqr(2))^2 -1)
      • x = -1.414 and y = -4

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