Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Five point method

  • Q01 | - Diagram : Cosine curve y = cos(x)
  • Q02 | - Sketch y = cos(x) using five point method
  • Q03 | - Sketch y = 2*cos(2*x) using five point method
  • Q04 | - Sketch y = Sqr(3)*cos(x) + sin(x) using five point method

  • Q01. Sine Curve : y = cos(x)

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    Q02. Sketch y = cos(x) using five points

    • The period of sine finction is 2*pi
    • Hence we can sketch the function from 0 to 2*pi
    • Five points

      • x ...... 0 ...... pi/2 ..... pi ...... 1.5*pi ...... 2*pi
      • y ...... 1 ...... 0 ........ -1 ...... 0 ........... 1

    • Five points (0, 1), (pi/2 ,0), (pi, -1), (1.5*pi, 0), (2*pi, 1)
    • Since we know this is cosine curve
    • Hence we can use these five points to sketch the cosine curve

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    Q03. Sketch y = 2*cos(2*x) using five points method

    • The period of sine finction is 2*x = 2*pi = pi
    • Hence we can sketch the function from 0 to pi
    • Five points : let t = 2*x

      • t ...... 0 ...... pi/2 ..... pi ........ 1.5*pi ....... 2*pi
      • x ...... 0 ...... pi/4 ..... pi/2 ...... 0.75*pi ...... 1*pi
      • y ...... 2 ...... 0 ........ -2 ........ 0 ............ 2

    • Five points (0, 2), (pi/4 ,0), (pi/2, -2), (0.75*pi, 0), (pi, 2)
    • Since we know this is sine curve
    • Hence we can use these five points to sketch the sine curve from x = 0 to pi

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    Q4. Sketch y = Sqr(3)*cos(x) + sin(x) using five point method

    • Since cos(30) = Sqr(3)/2 ans sin(x) = 1/2
    • Hence y = 2*cos(x)*cos(60) + sin(x)*sin(30)
    • Hence y = 2*cos(x - pi/6)
    • The period of sine finction is 2*pi
    • Hence we can sketch the function from 0 to pi
    • Five points : let t = (x - pi/6)

      • t ...... 0 ........ pi/2 ....... pi ......... 1.5*pi ...... 2*pi
      • x ...... +pi/6..... 4*pi/6 ..... 7*pi/6 ..... 10*pi/6 ..... 13*pi/6
      • y ...... 2 ........ 0 .......... -2 ......... 0 ........... 2

    • Five points (0, 2), (4*pi/6 ,0), (7*pi/6, -2), (10*pi/6, 0), (13*pi/6, 2)
    • Since we know this is sine curve
    • Hence we can use these five points to sketch the sine curve from x = 0 to pi

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