Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Nine points circle

  • GE 19 00 | - Outlines
  • GE 19 01 | - Diagram of nine points circle
  • GE 19 02 | - The nine points of triangle ABC
  • GE 19 03 | - The diameters
  • GE 19 04 | - Proof of P, E, F, D are concyclic
  • GE 19 05 | - Prove that Q,D,E,F are concyclic
  • GE 19 06 | - Prove that R,D,E,F are concyclic
  • GE 19 07 | - Conclusion
  • GE 19 08 | -
  • GE 19 09 | -
  • GE 19 10 | -

  • Answers

    GE 19 01. Diagram of nine point circle

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    GE 19 02. The nine points of triangle

    The feet of three altidues
    • I : AI is altitude
    • J : BJ is altitude
    • K : CK is altitude
    The feet of three medians
    • D : AD is median
    • E : BE is median
    • F : CF is median
    Mid point of line from vertices to ortho-center O
    • P is mid point of AO
    • Q is mid point of BO
    • R is mid point of CO

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    GE 19 03. The diameters of nine points circle

    • PD
    • QE
    • RE

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    GE 19 04. Proof of P, D, E, F are concyclic

    Triangle ABO
    • Since P and F are mid pointc of triangle, hence PF is parallel to BO
    • Hence angle AFP = angle ABJ (Corresponding angles)
    Triangle ABC
    • Since D and E are mid points of triangle, hence DF is parallel to AC
    • Hence angle BFD = angle BAC (Corresponding angles)
    Right triangle ABJ
    • angle ABJ + angle BAC = 90 degrees
    • Hence angle AFP + angle BFD = 90
    • Hence angle PFD = 90 (Since angles AFP + PFD + BFD = 180)
    P,D,E,F are concyclic
    • Similarly we can prove that angle PED = 90 degrees
    • Angles PFD and PED are opposite angles and their sum is 180 degrees
    • Hence, P, D, E, F are concylic

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    GE 19 05. Prove that Q,D,E,F are concyclic

    • Similar to GE 19 04

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    GE 19 06. Prove that R,D,E,F are concyclic

    • Similar to GE 19 04

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    GE 19 07. Conclusion

    D,E,F,P,Q,R are same circle
    • From Q04, Q05, Q06 we get the conclusion
    I,J,K are also on the same circle
    • Right triangle PDI and PD is diameter of the circle, I is on circle
    • Right triangle QEJ and QE is diameter of the circle, J is on circle
    • Right triangle RFK and RF is diameter of the circle, K is on circle
    • Since PD, QE abd RF are diameters of the same circle
    • Hence D,E,F,I,J,K,P,Q,R are on same circle
    Note : Proof of PD = QE = RF
    • The proof is from the nine points circle.
    • The proof can be done using construction and measurement
    • The proof can also be done using coordinate geometry

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    GE 19 08. Answer

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    GE 19 09. Answer

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    GE 19 10. Diagrams in geometry
  • Graphs | Geometry
    • How to bisect a line ? Program 02 01
    • How to bisect an angle ? Program 02 02
    • How to draw a circle to tongnet three sides of a triangle ? Program 03 02
    • How to draw a circle to pass three given points ? Program 03 02, 04 01
    • How to draw a pedal triangle ? Program 03 03
    • How to draw a ex-central triangle ? Program 03 04
    • How to draw tangents to circle from point outside of circle ? Program 04 02
    • How to draw tangent to circle at point on the circle ? Program 04 03
    • 1. What is es-circle of a triangle ? Program 03 02
    • 2. What is ex-circle of a triangle ? Program 03 02
    • 3. What is in-circle of a triangle ? Program 03 02
    • 4. What is gravity-center of a triangle ? Program 03 02
    • 5. What is ortho-center of a triangle ? Program 03 02

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    GE 19 00. Outlines

    Nine points circle
    • Three points are the mid-points of triangle
    • Three points are the feet of altitudes
    • Three points are the mid-points from vertices of triangle to ortho-center
    Theory used in proof
    • The theory of mid-points of triangle
    • Four points P, D, E, F are concylic and then angle P + E = angle D + F = 180 degrees

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