Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Pedal Triangle

  • Q01 | - Diagram of pedal triangle
  • Q02 | - Prove that AL is bisector of angle MLN
  • Q03 | - The Ortho-center O of triangle ABC is the in-center of triangle LMN
  • Q04 | - Pedal trinagle and ex-central triangle
  • Q05 | - Angles of pedal triangle in terms of angles A, B and C

  • Q06 | - Sides of pedal triangle
  • Q07 | - Area of pedal triangle
  • Q08 | - Circum-radius of pedal triangle
  • Q09 | -
  • Q10 | -

  • Answers

    Q01. Diagram of pedal triangle

    • Orthocenter
      • AL, BM and CN are altitudes of triangle ABC.
      • AL, BM and CN meet at one point O is called orthcenter.
      • Joint the feet of AL, BM and CN give triangle LMN.
      • Trinagle LMN is called pedal triangle.
    • Properties
      • Orthocenter O is also the in-center of triangle LMN.
      • Then AL is bisector of MLN.
      • Then BM is bisector of LMN.
      • Then CN is bisector of MNL.

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    Q02. Prove that AL is bisector of angle MLN
    Geometric Method
    • Draw circle using BC as diameter then BNMC is conclic.
      • Angle BNM + angle ANM = 180. Straight angle.
      • Angle BNM + Angle ACB = 180. Conclic.
      • Hence angle ANM = angle ACB.
    • Draw circle using AC as diameter then ANLC is conclic.
      • Angle BNL + angle ANL = 180. Straight angle.
      • Angle ANL + Angle ACL = 180. Conclic.
      • Hence angle BNL = angle ACL = angle ACB.
    • Hence angle ANM = angle BNL.
    • Since angle BNC = angle ANC = 90 degrees.
    • Hence angle LNC = angle MNC and CN is bisector of angle LNM.
    • Similarly, AL is bisector of angle MCN and BM is bisector of angle LMN.
    • Hence O is also the incenter of triangle LMN.
    Analytic geometric method
    • Give coordinates of vertex A, B and C.
    • Let AL, BM and CN are the altitudes of triangle ABC.
    • Find coordinates of L using intersections of BC and AL.
      • Find equation of BC using two given points.
      • Find equation of AL using point and slope method.
      • Slope of BC is s = (YB-YC)/(XB-XC) and slope of AL is -1/s.
      • Solve above two equations and we have (XL,YL).
    • Find coordinates of M using intersections of AC and BM.
    • Find coordinates of N using intersections of AB and CN.
    • Find angle ALN.
      • Find slope of NL as s1.
      • Find slope of AL as s2.
      • Then tan(ALN) = (s1 - s2)/(1 + s1*s2).
    • Find angle ALM.
      • Find slope of ML as s3.
      • Find slope of AL as s2.
      • Then tan(ALN) = (s2 - s3)/(1 + s2*s3).
    • Hence we have angle ALN = angle ALM.
    • Hence AL is bisector of angle MLN.
    • Similary, BM is bisector of angle LMN and CN is bisector of MNL.
    • Hence O is the in-center of triangle LMN.
    Construction method
    • Draw triangle ABC.
    • Draw AL perpendicular to BC.
    • Draw BM perpendicular to CA.
    • Draw CN perpendicular to AB.
    • Joint L, M and N which is the pedal triangle LMN of triangle ABC.
    • Measure angle ALN and angle ALM.
    • We should have angle ALN = angle ALM.
    • Hence AL is bisector of angle MLN.
    • Similary, BM is bisector of angle LMN and CN is bisector of MNL.
    • Hence O is the in-center of triangle LMN.

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    Q03. Prove that A is the es-center of triangle LMN
    Geometric method
    • Produce LN to P and Prove that Angle PNA = angle ANM.
      • Angle ANC = 90 degrees.
      • Angle ANM = Angle ANC - Angle MNC = 90 - angle MNC.
      • Angle PNM = angle NLM + angle NML = 180 - MNL.
      • Angle MNL = 2*(angle MNC).
      • Angle PNM = 180 - angle MNL.
      • Angle PNA = angle PNM - angle ANM
      • Angle PNA = (180 - MNL) - (90 - MNL/2) = 90 - MNL/2 = angle ANM
      • Hence NA is bisector of angle PNM
    • Produce LM to Q and Prove that Angle QMA = angle NMA.
      • Same as above, we can prove that MA is the bisectior of angle QMA.
      • Hence A is the es-center of triangle LMN.
    Analytic geometric method : See Q02
    Contruction method

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