Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih



Q01. Defintions
  • An algebraic expression an*x^n + ..... + a3*x^3 + a2*x^2 + a1*x + a0
  • Degree is n where n is integer.
  • Coefficients are an, ..... a3,a2, a1, a0.
Symbol defintion on computer
  • a0 is a subscript 0, a1 is a subscript 1, etc.
  • * is multiplication sign. E.G. 2*3 = 6.
  • ^ is power sign. E.G. 3^2 = 9, 4^3 = 64, etc

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Q02. Name of polynomials
By degrees
  • 1. Constant polynomial ............ degree n = 0.
  • 2. Linear polynomial .............. degree n = 1.
  • 3. Quadratic polynomial ........... degree n = 2.
  • 4. Cubic .......................... degree n = 3.
  • 5. Quartic polynomial ............. degree n = 5.
By coefficients
  • Integral polynomial : Coefficients are integers
  • Rational polynomial : Coefficients are non-integers

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Q03. Two polynomials are equal
  • 1. The degree must be the same.
  • 2. The coefficient of each term of two polynomials must be equal.

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Q04. Addition of two polynomials

  • 1. If there is a missing term, we should use 0 coefficient.
  • 2. The power of each term of the polynomials must be line up

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Q05. Multiplication of two polynomials

  • 1. If there is a missing term, we should use 0 coefficient.
  • 2. The power of each term of the polynomials must be line up

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Q06. Division of two polynomials

  • 1. If there is a missing term, we should use 0 coefficient.
  • 2. The power of each term of the polynomials must be line up

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Q07. Functions

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Q08. Answer

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Q09. Answer

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Q10. Answer

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