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Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

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Read Subtract of Quadratic Functions

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  • Q01 | - Expressions of quadratic functions
  • Q02 | - Definition and formula of quadratic function
  • Q03 | - Properties of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c :
  • Q04 | - Completing the square of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c
  • Q05 | - Intersections of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c with its inverse
  • Q06 | - Parabola and quadratic functions
  • Q07 | - Example : Three point define a parabola
  • Q08 | - Example : Difference of quadratic function
  • Q09 | - Intersections of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c with y = 1/x
  • Q10 | - Summary of quadratic functions


Q01. Expressions
    a. Polynomial form .... y = a*x^2+b*x+c = F(x)
    b. Factorial form ..... y = (x-r)*(x-s)
    c. Vertex form ........ y-k = a*(x-h)^2
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Q02. Defintion and formula for y = a*x^2 + b*x + c
    a. Curve name
      A. Parabola
      B. Curve of quadratic functions

    b. Discriminant
      A. Expression : Di = b^2-4*a*c
      B. Di < 0 and a > 0

        (1) No real roots
        (2) Range : yv to +infinite and yv > 0
        (3) No real factors

      C. Di = 0 and a > 0
        (1) Two same real roots
        (2) Range : 0 to +infinite and yv = 0
        (3) It is perfect square y = (x-r)^2

      D. Di > 0 and a > 0
        (1) Two different real roots
        (2) Range : yv to +infinite and yv < 0
        (3) It has factor as y = (x-r)*(x-s)

    c. Vertex (h,k)
      A. xv = h = -b/(2*a)
      B. yv = k = F(xv)

    d. Focus
      A. xf = xv
      B. yf = yv + 1/(2*D) = yv + 1/(4*a))
      C. D = Focus to directrix = 1/(2*a) if y = a*x^2 + b*x + c

    e. Directrix
      A. Equation of directrix is y = k - 1/(4*a)
      B. Distance to Focus : D = 1/(2*a)

    f. Quadratic formula
      A. r = (-b+sqr(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a)
      B. s = (-b-sqr(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a)

    g. Principal axis of y - k = a*(x-h) is x = h.
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Q03. Properties of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c :
    a. y-ingtercept = c at x = 0
    b. Discriminant Di = b^2-4*a*c
    c. zeros of y
      A. No zero if discriminant < 0
      B. One zero if discriminant = 0
      C. two zeros if discriminant > 0

    d. Curve and Slope y' = 2*a*x+b = first derivative of y
      A. Slope > 0 the curve is increasing
      B. Slope < 0 the curve is decreasing
      C. Slope = 0 the curve has minimum or maximum
        (1) Minimum if slope = 0 and a > 0
        (2) Maximum if slope = 0 and a < 0
      D. Notes
        (1) y' = 2*a + b = Slope
        (2) y' = 0 it has extreme points or critical points

    e. Concavity and Second difference = 2*a
      A. If second difference > 0 the curve is concave upward
      B. if second difference < 0 the curve is concave downward
      C. If second difference = 0 the curve has infexion
      D. Second difference = 2nd derivative of y" = 2*a

      E. Inflextion if y"=0

    f. Range
      A. Range > 0 if a > 0 and discriminant < 0
      B. Range >= 0 if a > 0 and discriminant = 0
      C. Range for a > 0 and discriminant > 0
        (1) Range => 0 if x <= r
        (2) Range => 0 if x >= s
        (3) Range < 0 if r < x < s

      Where a*x^2 + b*x + c = (x-r)*(x-s) and s > r
    g. Vertex
      A. xv = -b/(2*a)
      B. yv = F(xv) where F(x)=a*x^2+b*x+c

    h. Quadratic formula
      x1 = (-b + sqr(b^2-4*a*c)/(2*a)
      x2 = (-b - sqr(b^2-4*a*c)/(2*a)

    g. The roots of F(x)
      A. If b^2-4*a*c < 0 x1 and x2 are compex root and conjgate
      B. If b^2-4*a*c = 0 then x1=x2 (two same real roots)
      C. If b^2-4*a*c > 0 then there two different real roots

    h. What is conjugate ?
      A. x1 = m + n*i
      B. x2 = m - n*i
      C. hence x1+x2 = real and x1*x2 = real where i=sqr(-1)

    i. Roots and coefficient a b c
      A. Sum of roots = -b/a
      B. Product of roots = c/a

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Q04. Completing the square

    a. Method : steps
      A. y = a*x^2 + b*x + c
      B. y = a*(x^2 + b*x/a + c/a)
      C. y = a*(x^2 + b*x/a + (b/2*a)^2-(b/(2*a)^2 + c/a)
      D. y = a*(x + b/(2*a))^2 - a*((b/2*a)^2 - c/a)
      E. y = a*(x+h)^2 - (b^2-4*a*c)/(4*a)
      F. y - k = a*(x-h)
      G. where h = -b/(2*a) and k = -(b^2-4*a*c)/(4*a)

    b. Application
      A. Find vertex of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c
      • Change to vertex form by completing squrare y - k = a*(x - h)^2.
      • Hence h = -b/(2*a) and k = -(b^2-4*a*c)/(4*a).
      B. Find center & radius of x^2 + y^2 + d*x + e*y + f = 0

      • Example : Prove that x^2 + y^2 - 4*x + 4*y - 8 = 0 is a circle.
      • (x^2 - 4*x + 4 - 4) + (y^2 + 4*y + 4 - 4) - 8 = 0
      • (x-2)^2 + (y+2)^2 = 4^2.
      • This a circle with radius 4 and center at (2,-2).
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Q05. Inverse of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c
What is inverse of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c ?
How many intersections of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c with its inverse ?
  • There are 4 answers : None, one, two or four intersections.
  • Example Intersections of Quadratic function with its inverse
    • Start the program ABH.
    • Click the Inverse command four times will see four diagrams.
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Q06. Parabola

Parabola Defintion and formula
[Example] Using definition of parabola prove that a = 1/(2*D)

    a. PF = Sqr((x-xf)^2+(y-yf)^2)
    b. PQ = (y-yf+D) = distance from P to directrix
    c. PF = PQ
    d. PF^2 = (x-xf)^2 + (y-yf)^2 = (y-yf+D)^2
    or PF^2 = (y-yf)^2 + 2*D*(y-yf) + D^2
    e. (x-xf)^2 - D^2 = 2*D*(y-yf)
    f. y = (x^2 - (2*xf)*x + (xf^2 + 2*D*yf))/(2*D)
    or y = a*x^2 + b*x + c
    g. Hence a = 1/(2*D)

[Example] Properteis of parabola
  • Expression y = a*x^2 + b*x + c.
  • Locus of parabola : PF = PQ.
    • P is moving point.
    • F is the focus.
    • Q is a point on a fixed line and PQ perpendicular to the line.
    • Equation of the parabola : y - k = (x - h)^2/(2*D).
    • Principal axis is x = h.
    • Focus is at x = h and y = k + D/2.
    • Equation of directrix is y = k - D/2.
    • D is the distance from focus to dirrectrix = 1/(2*a).
    • Digram of parabola in rectangular coordinates.
    • Digram of parabola in polar coordinates
[Example] Parabola has vertex at (3,-1) and passes (0;8) find function
    Using vetex form we have (y+1) = a*(x-3)^2
    Substitute (0;8) into above function : 9 = a*9 and a=1
    Hence y + 1 = 1*(x-3)^2
    or y = x^2 - 6*x + 8

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Q07. Example : Three points define a formula

Three points define a parabola
    a. Submite 3 points in to y=a*x^2+b*x+c
    b. We have 3 linear equations
    c. Solve these 3 linear equations
    d. Reference :

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Q08. Example : Difference of quadratic function

[Example 1] Show that
    x = 1...2...3...4...5
    y = 1...4...9..16..25

    is a quadratic function and find the function

    [Method 1]
      a. By observation : relation between x and y is y=x^2.
      b. Hence it is a quadratic equation a=1 b=0 c=0

    [Method 2] Use 2nd difference = common difference
      ............ x = 1...2...3...4...5...6 ....
      ............ y = 1...4...9..15..25..36 ....
      1st difference = ....3...5...7...9..11 ....
      2nd difference = ........2...2...2...2 ....

      a. 2nd diff = common diff)
      b. Hence it is a quadratic equation
      c. Since second difference = 2*a hence a = 1
      d. Hence the function is y = x^2 + b*x + c
      e. We substitute two points into above equation
      f. We get 2 linear equations
        Eq 1 .........1 = 1 + b + c
        Eq 2 .........4 = 4 + 2*b + c
        Eq 2 - Eq ....1 : 3 = 3 + b and b = 0
      g. Hence c = 0 and we have y = x^2
      h. Is it easier than solving 3 linear equations ?

[Example 2] Sequence start from n=0 we have
    ....... 0...1...2...3...4...5...6 .....
    ....... 1...3...7..13..21..31..43 .....

    A. Find T(n) and S(n)
    B. Find T(7) and S(7)
Solution : We find the 1st and 2nd difference

    ...... n =....0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7 ...
    Sequence =....1....3....7...13...21...31...43....? ...
    1st diff =.........2....4....6....8...10...12...14 ...
    2nd dife =..............2....2....2....2....2....2 ...

    Hence sequence fits y=a*x^2 + b*x + c and 2nd diff = 2*a
    Hence T(n) = n^2 + b*n + c
    Since T(0) = 1 and we have c = 1

    Now we have T(n) = n^2 + b*n + 1 where b is unknown
    Since T(1) = 3 and we have 3 = 1^2 + b*1 + 1 and b = 1
    The nth term : T(n) = n^2 + n + 1
    The sum of nterm is S(n) = Sum(n^2) + Sum(n) + Sum(1)
      S(n) = n*(n+1)*(2*n+1)/6 + n*(n+1)/2 + n
      S(n) = n*((n+1)*(2*n+1)/6 + (n+1)/2 + 1)
      S(n) = n*(2*n^2 + 3*n + 1 + 3*n + 3 + 6)/6
      S(n) = n*(n^2 + 3*n + 5)/3 and n is not equal 0

    If n start from zero S(n) = n*(n^2 + 3*n + 5)/3 + 1

*** Verify
    T(2) = 2^2 + 2 + 1 = 7. Correct.
    T(3) = 3^2 + 3 + 1 = 13. Correct.

    S(2) = 2*(2^2 + 3*2 + 5)/3 = 30/3 = 10. Not 11 why ?
    S(3) = 3*(3^2 + 3*3 + 5)/3 = 23. Not 24 why ?
    S(n) is for n > 0

[Example 3] Prove the 2nd difference of y=a*x^2+b*x+c is 2*a
    ..... x =....0......1..........2..........3...........4.....

    ..... y =....c..a+b+c..4*a+2*b+c..9*a+3*b+c..16*a+4*b+c

    1st dif =.........a+b......3*a+b......5*a+b.......7*a+b

    2nd dif =....................2*a........2*a.........2*a

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Q09. Intersection of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c with y = 1/x
[Example] if y = 1/x tangents to y = 4*x^2 + k
    1. find k
    2. find other intersection
    3. sketch the curve

    1. Finf k
      A. That is both curve has same slope at a point
      B. Slope of y = 1/x is y' = -1/x^2
      C. Slope of y = 4*x^2+k is y' = 8*x
      D. Hence -1/x^2 = 8*x or 8*x^3 + 1 = 0
      E. Hence x = -1/2 and y = -2 is the point
      F. Find k : -2 = 4*(-1/2)^2 + k
      G. Find k : k = -3

    2. Find other intersection
      A. y = 1/x and y= 4*x^2 - 3
      B. by observation : x = 1 and y = 1

      ** 2nd method :
        A. Since interception 1/x = 4*x^2 - 3
        B. Hence 4*x^3 - 3*x - 1 = 0
        C. Since y = 1/x touch y = 4*x^2-3 at (-1/2; -2)
        D. Equation B has roor -1/2 and -1/2
        E. Use synthetic divisition


        Hence remainder is 4*x-4 = 0 and x = 1.

[Example] How many intersections of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c with y = 1/x
  • Examples on internet
  • After entering the program ABH.
  • Click Start command.
  • Click subject 6 in upper box.
  • Click program 07 it gives one intersection.
  • Click program 08 it gives two intersections.
  • Click program 09 it gives three intersections.
  • Click program 11 if we give data a,b,c for y = a*x^2 + b*x + c.
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Q10. Summary
    a. Keywords of quadratic functions
      Critical points : y' = 0
      Concavity and 2nd difference
      Derivative 1st and 2nd
      Difference 1st and 2nd
      Distance between focus and directrix
      Equation of directrix
      Expression of discriminant
      Extreme points : y' = 0
      Maximum : y' = 0 and y" < 0 (a < 0)
      Minimum : y' = 0 and y" > 0 (a > 0)
      Principal axis of paraboa : x = -b/(2*v)

      Quadratic formula
      Range and domain
      Roots and coefficients
      Slope and curve : y' < 0 y' = 0 y' > 0
      zeros of y
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