Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Sequences : Cube Patterns

  • Q01 | - Numbers in cube patterns
  • Q02 | - Difference of sequence of 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, ....
  • Q03 | - Find S(n) = 1 + 8 + 27 + 64 + 81 + ..... + n^3

Q01. Numbers in cubic patterns

Cubes in cubes patterns
  • 1. Sketch the pattern for 4^3
  • 2. Sketch the pattern for 5^3

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Q02. Squences : 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 36, ....

    * 1st difference F(k) = T(k + 1) - T(K) : 07 19 37 61 .......
    * 2nd difference G(k) = F(k + 1) - F(k) : 12 18 24 30 .......
    * 3rd difference H(k) = G(k + 1) - G(k) : 06 06 06 06 .......
    * nth term : T(n) = n^3
    * Sum of n terms : S(n) = (n*(n + 1)/2)^2
    * This is same as cubic function y = x^3
    * 2nd derivative y" = 6 and it is the same as 3rd difference

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Q03 Find S(n) = 1 + 8 + 27 + 64 + 125 + ..... + n^3

Prove that S(n) = n*(n + 1)*(2*n + 1)/6

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