Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Trigonometric Examples

  • TR 18 01 | Transformation of y = sin(x) to y - k = a*sin(b*x - h)
  • TR 18 02 | Transformation of y = cos(x) to y - k = a*cos(b*x - h)
  • TR 18 03 | Five points method : Sketch y = sin(x) to y - 2 = 3*Sin(2*x + pi/4)
  • TR 18 04 | Five point method : Sketch y = sin(x) to y - 2 = 3*Sin(2*x + pi/4)
  • TR 18 05 | Three points and two lines method : Sketch tangent curve
  • TR 18 06 | - Three points and two lines method : Sketch secant curve
  • TR 18 07 | - G
  • TR 18 08 | - H
  • Q09 | - I
  • TR 18 10 | -
  • TR 18 11 | -
  • TR 18 12 | -

  • Answers

    TR 18 01. Transformation of y = sin(x) to y - k = a*sin(b*x - h).

    • Defintion of y = sin(x) : y - k = a*sin(b*x - h).
      • Sinuoidal axis is k. This is the vertical translation
      • Amplitude is a. It is vertical stretch.
      • Period of function is 2*pi/b. This is horizontal strectch.
      • Phase difference is h. This is horizontal traslation.
    • Example

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    TR 18 02. Transformation of y = cos(x) to y - k = a*cos(b*x - h)

    • Defintion of y = cos(x) to y - k = a*cos(b*x - h).
      • Sinuoidal axis is k. This is the vertical translation
      • Amplitude is a. It is vertical stretch.
      • Period of function is 2*pi/b. This is horizontal strectch.
      • Phase difference is h. This is horizontal traslation.
    • Example : See Five point sketch in YT 18 03

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    TR 18 03. Transformation of y = sin(x) to y - 2 = 3*Sin(2*x + pi/4)

    • Find values at the following points : Five point method
      • Point 1 : 2*x + pi/4 = 0..... Hence x = -pi/8 and y - 2 = 0.
      • Point 2 : 2*x + pi/4 = pi/2.. Hence x = +pi/2 - pi/8 and y - 2 = 3.
      • Point 3 : 2*x + pi/4 = pi.... Hence x = +pi - pi/8 and y - 2 = 0.
      • Point 4 : 2*x + pi/4 = 3*pi/2.Hence x = +3*pi/2 - pi/8 and y - 2 = -3.
      • Point 5 : 2*x + pi/4 = 2*pi.. Hence x = +2*pi - pi/8 and y - 2 = 0.
      Put following point on paper
      • x = -01*pi/8 and y = +2.
      • x = +03*pi/8 and y = +5.
      • x = +07*pi/8 and y = +2.
      • x = +13*pi/8 and y = -1.
      • x = +15*pi/8 and y = +2.
      • Since the curve is sine curve.
      • The range is between -pi/8 and 15*pi/8
      • Sinuoidal axis is y = 2.
      • Hence we can sketch the curve based on these 5 points.

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