Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Figure 312 : Parabola

  • Q01 | - Diagram : Sketch parabola using ruler
  • Q02 | - Sketch parabola using ruler
  • Q03 | - Convert y = (x^2)/(2*D) - D/2 to polar form
  • Q04 | - Convert y = x^2 to polar form
  • Q05 | - Sketch tangent to parabola
  • Q05 | - Reference

Q01. Diagram : Parabola

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Q02. Sketch parabola using ruler

Graph of y = 0.5*(x^2)
  • 1. Find focus to directrix : D = 1/(2*a) = 1
  • 2. Find Vertex
    • xv = 0
    • yv = 0
  • 3. Find focus
    • xf = 0
    • yf = yv + D/2 = 0.5
  • 4. Draw line of directrix and focus on graph paper
  • 5. Draw a point Q on directrx
  • 6. Draw line PQ and perpendicular to directrix
  • 7. Join Q and F
  • 8. Bisect line QF and bisector meets PQ at P
  • 9. Since PF = PQ, hence P is a point on parabola
  • 10 Repeat steps 5 to 9 for more points
  • 11 Join all points and it is the required parabola

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Q03. Convert y = (x^2)/(2*D) - D/2 to polar form

Method 1
  • R = D/(1 - sin(A))
    • Focus F at (0, 0)
    • Vertex at (0, -D/2)
    • Parabola open upward
  • y = (x^2)/(2*D) - D/2
    • Vertex at ( 0, D/2)
    • Focus at (0, 0)
    • Parabola open upward
  • Hence the polar form is R = D/(1 - sin(A))
Method 2 : Use polar coordiantes
  • y = (x^2)/(2*D) - D/2
  • 2*D*y = x^2 - D^2
  • Add y^2 on Both sides
  • y^2 + 2*D*y + D^2 = x^2 + y^2
  • Since R^2 = x^2 + y^2 and y = R*sin(A)
    • (y + D/2)^2 = R^2
    • (R*sin(A) + D/2)^2 = R^2
  • Square root on both sides
  • R^2 - R*sin(A) = D/2
  • R = (D/2)/(1 - sin(A))

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Q04. Convert R = D/(1 - sin(A)) to rectangular form

  • Polar coordinates
    • R^2 = x^2 + y^2
    • y = R*sin(A)
  • R*(1 - sin(A)) = D
  • R - R*sin(A) = D
  • x^2 + y^2 = (y + D)^2
  • x^2 + y^2 = y^2 + 2*D*y + D^2
  • x^2 = 2*D*y + D^2
  • y = (x^2)/(2*D) + D/2

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Q05. Sketch tangent to parabola

Diagram and method

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Q06. Reference

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