Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Contents of Graphic Calulator

  • GC 00 | - Outlines
  • GC 01 | - Linear Functions and Equations
  • GC 02 | - Quadratic Functions and Equations
  • GC 03 | - Rational Functions
  • GC 04 | - Trigonometric Functions
  • GC 05 | - Hyperbolic Functions
  • GC 06 | - Intersections of Functions and inverse
  • GC 07 | - Absolute operation
  • GC 08 | - Limit
  • GC 09 | - Polynomial Functions
  • GC 10 | - Graphic calculator for polar coordinates
  • GC 11 | - Graphic calculator for parametric equations
  • GC 12 | - Demo Examples
  • GC 13 | - Sketch Examples

  • Answers

    GC 01. Linear Functions and Equations

    Computer program
    • 01 y = a*x + b
    • 02 x = a*y + b
    • 03 y = a*x + b and inverse
    • 04 y = |a*x + b|
    • 05 Solve |a*x + b| = c
    Example : Solve Abs(2*x - 3) = 4
    • Use subject 1 and program 5.
    • Data : give 2,-3,4
    • Solution can be seen from intersection of y = Abs(2*x-1) and y = 4.

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    GC 02. Quadratic Functions and Equations

    Computer programs
    • 01 y = a*x^2 + b*x + c
    • 02 x = a*y^2 + b*y + c
    • 03 y = a*x^2 + b*x + c and inverse
    • 04 y = abs(a*x^2 + b*x + c)
    • 05 y = abs(a*x^2 + b*abs(x) + c)
    • 06 y = a*x^2 + b*abs(x) + c
    • 07 RX of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c (RX = Reflection of x-axis)

    Example : Solve Abs(x^2 - 6*Abs(x) + 8) = 0 graphically. (Abs = Absolute).
    • Use subject 2 and program 5
    • Give data : 1,-6,8
    • From graph we can get 4 answers.

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    GC 03. Rational Functions

    Computer program
    • 01 y = 1/(a*x + b)
    • 02 y = 1/(a*x^2 + b*x + c)
    • 03 y = 1/(a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d)
    • 04 y = ((x-1)^M)/(2*x)
    • 05 y = ((x+1)^M)/(2*x)
    • 06 y = ((x-1)^M)/(a*x^2+b*x+c)
    • 07 y = ((x+1)^M)/(a*x^2+b*x+c)
    • 08 y = (a*x^3+b*x^2+c*x+d)/(p*x^3+q*x^2+r*x+s)
    • 1. Find asymptote of y = ((x-1)^3)/(2*x)
    • 2. Sketch (x^2 + 1)/x

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    GC 04. Trigonometric Functions

    Computer program GC
    • 01 y = sin(x)
    • 02 y = cos(x)
    • 03 y = tan(x)
    • 04 y = csc(x)
    • 05 y = sec(x)
    • 06 y = cot(x)
    Examples :
    • 1. Find the range of y = sin(x) if x = -2*pi to 2*pi.
    • 2. Find the asymptotes of y = tan(x) between x = -2*pi and 2*pi.

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    GC 05. Hyperbolic Functions

    Computer program GC
    • 01 y = sinh(x)
    • 02 y = cosh(x)
    • 03 y = tanh(x)
    • 04 y = csch(x)
    • 05 y = sech(x)
    • 06 y = coth(x)
    • 07 y = exp(x)
    • 08 y = log(x)
    • 09 y = 1/x(x)

    • What is formula of y = sinh(x) ?
      • The answer can be found in Hyperbolic Function in MD
    • Compare y = sinh(x) with y = sin(x)
      • The answer can be found in Hyperbolic Function in MD

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    Q06. Intersections of Functions and inverse

    Computer program GC
    • 01 Intersections of y= x^2+ 2 with inverse
    • 02 Intersections of y= x^2+ 1/4 with inverse
    • 03 Intersections of y= x^2 with inverse
    • 04 Intersections of y= x^2- 2 with inverse
    • 05 Intersections of y= exp(x)with inverse
    • 06 Intersections of y= 2x+ 2 with inverse
    • 07 Intersections of y= 4*x^2- 3 with y=1/x
    • 08 Intersections of y= 4*x^2+ 2*x+ 3 with y=1/x
    • 09 Intersections of y= 4*x^2+ 2*x- 5 with y=1/x
    • 10 Intersections of y= a*x^2+ b*x+ c with inverse
    • 11 Intersections of y= a*x^2+ b*x+ c with y=1/x
    • 12 Intersections of y= a*x^2+ b*x+ c with y=m*x + n

    • How many intersections of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c with its inverse ?
      • Answers can be found in program 1,2,3 and 4.
      • They are demo only
    • How many intersections of y = a*x^2 + b*x + c with y = 1/x ?
      • Answers can be found in program 7,8 and 9.
      • They are demo only
    • Can we sketch the graph on computer ?
      • Programs 10, 11 and 12 are given to sketch
      • Give the coefficients to sketch

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    GC 07. Absolute operation

    Computer program GC
    • 01 y = abs(x-1) + abs(x+1)
    • 02 Solve abs(x-1) + abs(x+1) = c
    • 03 Solve abs(x+a) + abs(x+b) = c
    • 04 Solve abs(a*x^2+b*x+c)= d
    • 05 Solve abs(a*x^2+b*abs(x)+c) = d
    • 06 Solve a*x^2+b*abs(x)+c = d

    Example : How many real roots if Abs(x^2 - 6*Abs(x) + 8) = 0.5.
    • Use subject 7 and program 5
    • Give data : 1,-6,8,0.5
    • From graph we can get 8 real roots.

    • See keywords Absolute in Webpage MD to find how to solve.

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    GC 08. Limit

    Computer program GC
    • 01 Limit[sin(x)/x] = 1 when x ------>> 0
    • 02 Limit[sin(x)/(a*x)] = 1/a as x -->> 0
    • 03 Limit[sin(a*x)/x] = a as x ------>> 0
    • 04 limit[(1+x)^(1/x)] = e as x = 0
    • 05 limit[(1+a*x)^(b/c*x)] = exp(a*b/c) as x = 0
    • 06 limit[(1+1/x)^x] = e as x = infinite
    • 07 limit[(1+1/a*x)^(b*x) = exp(b/a)

    • How to use Lim[sin(x)/x] = 1 to find derivative of sin(x) ?
      • Use the keyword Limit in MD to find the method.
    • How to use Lim[1+x)^(1/x)] = e to find derivative of ln(x) ?
      • Use the keyword Limit in MD to find the method.

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    GC 09. Polynomial Functions

    Polynomial programs
    • 01 y = a*x + b
    • 02 y = a*x^2 + b*x + c
    • 03 y = a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d
    • 04 y = a*x^4 + b*x^3 + c*x^2 + d*x + e
    • 05 y = a*x^5 + b*x^4 + c*x^3 + d*x^2 + e*x + f

    • 1. y = x^5 + x^4 - 7*x^3 - 7*x^2 + x + 1, find zeros of y
    • 2. y = x^5 + x^4 - 7*x^3 - 7*x^2 + x + 1 < 0, find domain
    • 3. y = x^5 + x^4 - 7*x^3 - 7*x^2 + x + 1 > 0, find domain
    • 4. Solve x^5 + x^4 - 7*x^3 - 7*x^2 + x + 1 = 0

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    GC 10. Graphic calculator in polar coordinates

    Polar coordinate
    • Chapter 1 : Introduction
    • Chapter 2 : Graph of R = sin(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 3 : Graph of R = tan(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 4 : Graph of R = sec(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 5 : Graph of R = 1 + 1*sin(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 6 : Graph of R = 2 + 4*sin(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 7 : Graph of R = 4 + 2*sin(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 8 : Graph of R = 1 + 1*sec(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 9 : Graph of R = 2 + 4*sec(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 10 : Graph of R = 4 + 2*sec(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 11 : Graph of R = 1 + 1*tan(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 12 : Graph of R = 2 + 4*tan(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 13 : Graph of R = 4 + 2*tan(p*A/q)^M
    • Chapter 14 : Hyperbolic function in polar form
    • Chapter 15 : Paramtric equations

    Examples :
    • 1. How many petals in R = sin(3*A/2) ?
      • Use chapter 2
      • Data for p, q, M : 3, 2, 1
    • 2. How to make a five points star ?
      • Use chapter 4
      • Find the values of p, q, M
    • 3. Compare y = sin(x) and y = sinh(x)
      • Use chapter 14
      • Describe the similarity and difference
    • 4. Compare graph of x=sec(t), y=tan(t) and graph of x=tan(t), y=sec(t)
      • Use chapter 15
      • Find the graphs of these two parametric equation
      • Reference : Keywords unit hyperbola in Webpage MD.

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    GC 11. Graphic calculator in parametric equations

    Parametric equation programs Diagram Programs
  • Programs :
    • 36 diagrams of x = F(t) and y = G(t)
    • More examples in chapter 15 of PM
  • Examples
    • 1. Describe the graph of x = sec(t) and y = tan(t)
    • 2. Describe the graph of x = tan(t) and y = sec(t)
    • 3. Compare the similarity and difference of above two curves
    Parametric equations in AN 15 Parametric equations in CA 07 Parametric equations in TR 16
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    Q12. Demo Examples

    Computer programs in GC

    Example 1 : Demo programs in Asymptote command
    • Asymptote : Find asymptotes of y = ((x-1)^M)/(2*x) for M=1,2,3,4,5
    • Click Command asymptote five times will give for M = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
    Example 2 : Demo graphs in Inverse command
    • Demo graphs
      • 1. Intesection of y = x^2 + 2 and its inverse
      • 2. Intesection of y = x^2 + 1/4 and its inverse
      • 3. Intesection of y = x^2 and its inverse
      • 4. Intesection of y = x^2 - 2 and its inverse
      • 5. Intesection of y = e^x and y = ln(x)
      • 6. Intesection of y = 2*x + 2 and its inverse
      • 7. Intesection of y = 4*x^2 - 3 and y = 1/x
      • 8. Intesection of y = 4*x^2 + 2*x + 3 and y = 1/x
      • 9. Intesection of y = 4*x^2 + 2*x - 5 and y = 1/x
      • Graphs of y = e^x and y = ln(x)
      • Intesection of y=a*x^2 + b*x + c with y = 1/x
    • Mehtod : Click the inverse command 9 times
    • Purpose : Find the nomber of intersections

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    GC 13. Sketch examples

    Example : Sketch y = (x^2 + 2)/x
    • Use GC 03 08
    • Click section 3 in upper box
    • Click program 8 in lower box
    • Give coefficients : 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0
    • Note : 0, 1, 0, 2 are coefficients of numerator
    • Note : 0, 0, 1, 0 are coefficients of denominator
    Sketch Examples : Q01 to Q10

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    GC 00. Outlines

    Computer programs in GC
    • Subject | Open graphic calculator ABH
    • Select run at current location (No download)
    • Slect yes to run
    Start the menu
    • Click Start
    Back to menu
    • Click the Back command
    Select a program
    • Click section number in upper box
    • Click program number in lower box
    The demo command
    • Asymptote : Click it five times
    • Inverse : Click it nine times

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