- Traders' World -





Two massive dark shapes glided silently across the borders of the Bazari Territory unnoticed.

The hundreds of tiny, glimmering windows on their surfaces slowly blinking out one by one until all that remained were shadows in the dark.


Lit only by the glow of the Enterprise' conference table, Picard addressed his senior staff and the four remaining members of Giles' team; "We shall be going in undercover - we mustn't give out any kind of signal to indicate we are members of the Federation. That means even the running lights must remain switched off. We don't want anyone looking out of their window and identifying us the old-fashioned way.

While we are here, you should all be aware ... the manner of people that frequent the Territory are viciously anti-Federation. They detest everything the Federation stands for and their attitude towards Humans and Vulcans is of the utmost derision.

"Now; the Territory itself is not particularly large. However, it IS densely populated and finding Data will not be a simple matter."

Willow put up a hand timidly, "Can't we do a scan?"

Turning in his seat, Riker seemed especially eager to reply to her, "Clouds of ionised gas litter the entire region." He said in the softest tone any of the Scoobs had heard from him since they arrived, "This whole area was once a solar system until the star collapsed countless millennia ago."

Picard continued; "No, we are going to have to go about this the difficult way. The main amount of dealing takes place on the Traders' World at the heart of the region, with some specialist goods being traded on smaller moons and asteroids. So our greatest chance of locating Data is on the planet. Ambassador Worf?"


The Klingon WAS meant to be attending a strategy conference, so he may as well act as strategic consultant to THIS mission. "We will be transporting down in small groups to cover as much ground as possible as there are dozens of market townships spread over the Traders' World, and Data can be in only one of them.

Bearing in mind that the fewer away-teams we send - the lesser our chances of being discovered. Therefore; only four teams will be sent to search all areas."

He then set up the teams:

Alpha Team consisted of Captain Picard, Crusher, Giles and Lt. Daniels.

Beta Team were Worf himself and Cmdr. Riker.

Gamma Team was also a large group, consisting of Counsellor Troi, Buffy, Willow and Spike.

Delta Team would be Martok and his Klingon aid.

"Alpha Team will be assigned to the northern region, Beta Team will search in the south, leaving Gamma and Delta Teams with west and east respectively."


Worf held up a small, brown, rectangular object no larger than a pocket-sized calculator and added; "These devices will simulate one of Data's actuation servos. When activated at close range it will shut down his systems."

Willow gave a grimace, "Will that hurt him?"

"No." La Forge assured her, "It'll be like ... sending him to sleep for a while."

"And this gadget definitely works?" asked Buffy.

Worf replied, "This method has been successful in the past."

The Gang looked apprehensively between themselves.

Then Buffy said what they were all thinking, "This kind of thing's happened before? With Data?"

The Captain was quick to respond; "Um... it's a long story. Let's move along, shall we?"


Doctor Crusher came to his rescue and leant forward to speak, "All Human members of the away-teams will receive minor surgical alteration to give the appearance of Bajoran members of the Maquis. That includes you, Deanna, I'm afraid. I wouldn't want to risk any of the locals mistaking you for a Human. Worf - you'll be fine."

Worf nodded. Klingon renegades were well respected in the Territory. "All Communicator and Tricorder casings will be modified to give the appearance of non-Starfleet models." He said.

Picard added, "And Phasers will be kept hidden, to be used only in an extreme emergency. HAND-Phasers only."

"That doesn't go for security crew." Daniels informed them, "Each away-team will be appointed one officer from security who will openly display a Bajoran firearm to deter would-be muggers."

"But most importantly," said Picard severely, "and again I stress, ... do NOT give ANY indication that you are there on Starfleet business. The natives would enjoy nothing more than to execute every one of us in the street for all to see. Do NOT engage ANYONE unnecessarily and stay out of trouble."

Spike coughed into his hand to get their attention, "What'll I do if it's daytime down there?"

Riker responded, but not as softly as when he spoke to Willow, "Like I said - there's no sun. The atmosphere is fully artificial."


"What if we don't find him on this planet?" Buffy queried.

"We will begin searching the most frequented moons, asteroids and mining stations." Replied Worf, with a tone of respect that he had not previously shown to the Slayer.


"This is a highly dangerous assignment." The Captain explained, looking at the Scoobies, "And I would understand if any members of your group would rather remain onboard the Enterprise."

After another brief exchange of glances between the Scoobs, Buffy answered for all of them; "We're a team, Captain. Mind, body, heart and soul." She was, of course, referring to the spell that the Gang used to defeat Adam. She went on; "We're just as involved in this as you. In fact...If this is anyone's mission, it's ours. You sure you don't wanna stay behind?"

"Nobody's staying behind." Riker pointed out firmly.


"Very well." Picard responded, actually quite relieved that everyone seemed eager, "You have one hour to make any necessary preparations and to report to Doctor Crusher for alterations." He examined the faces that surrounded him. Each One hung on his every word. Each one had fear in their eyes. But each wore an expression of unwavering resolve.

They were ready to strike back.

"We'll rendezvous in the Main Transporter room in one hour." He stood, considered a moment, then added; "I know we are all confused and sceptical. We are from two worlds, ...and those worlds seem to have collided somewhat. None of us understand the full extent of what we are about to do. But, together, perhaps we can bring some kind of balance between the science and the supernatural."


The teams began to move out and Riker made his way over to his senior officer, followed by La Forge.

"You really believe we're facing supernatural forces?" Riker asked.

The Captain breathed a deep sigh, "Honestly, Number One, ... I'm not entirely sure what to believe anymore. But I know this... No scientific theories I've been offered explain what has happened here. Data has been possessed by something that was not conceived of this world. At this point I choose to remain open-minded. I suggest we all do the same."

Riker and La Forge gave a troubled nod, yet Geordi seemed still to be pained by other worries.

Picard knew full-well what they were, "Data isn't gone, Geordi. He's simply lost. We just have to find him."

"I don't know, Sir." La Forge admitted sadly, "This thing that's controlling him ... I'm not sure that we can stop it. And if we can't... What then?"

The Captain considered his orders from Command, and his eyes dropped gravely. But he'd already resolved not to allow Data to die. Picard lent his support by resting a hand on Geordi's arm; "We will get him back. I shall settle for nothing less than his safe return."

La Forge attempted a smile of gratitude.

"Better to cross that bridge when we're faced with it." Riker advised. They had a lot to organise before then.

"Yes, Number one, we have a mission to arrange." He took a moment to consider the role of the Enterprise herself in the upcoming away-mission.

Normally in a similar situation where the majority of high-ranking Officers were off-ship, Picard would leave Beverly in command. Though her position onboard was that of 'Chief Medical Officer', Beverly's rank was that of 'Commander'.

In this instance, however, Doctor Crusher would be in the Alpha Team on the surface. This would leave the ship without a Captain. Fortunately there was one Officer left onboard who had experience in the Command chair.

"Geordi, I'll need you to take the Bridge while we are gone. But I must be certain that you are able to think clearly; regardless of your personal feelings."

"Always." Confirmed the Engineer. The intricate blue lenses of his optical implants seemed to glow with purpose as he accepted his upcoming responsibility.

La Forge then turned and exited the conference room.

Riker waited until the doors slid closed, then asked; "Captain? I'd like to know what the Rutherford will be doing while we're putting our necks on the line."




On the Rutherford:


"We'll be trying to locate Data's fleet." Freeman said to his own crew, "Apparently he's gathered up quite an inhuman army, so there's likely to be a large concentration of shuttles as well as his own cloaked Bird of Prey."


The meeting onboard Freeman's ship took place at the rear of the Bridge - within the raised area containing the Tactical Mapping Grid.


"And the Enterprise?" asked Hoop in his Aussie dialect.

"She'll concentrate on finding Data himself." Dave replied.


There were eight of them gathered around the Mapping Grid, plus Xander. Anya chose to remain in their new quarters. Xander suspected that she was trying to distance herself from what was happening.

Like maybe she was beginning to recall fears that had been with her in her Demon days.


The Tactical Mapping Grid: This workstation consisted of a large circular display set upon a rectangular table with a console on either end. *

The consoles gave them details of key points of interest within any given area - in this case the Bazari Territory. With them one could plot courses and organise a strategic offensive/defensive around all planets and other astral bodies.

The Display showed the Territory in exceptional detail due to the Akira-Class ship's enhanced Tactical Sensor Suite.


The Rutherford was highlighted in a blue bubble against the black of space. It showed them moving gradually toward the centre of the region. All around them appeared to be clouds of purple-red tinted with splashes of orange and green in places.

Along the outskirts were a number of stations. One appeared to be a damaged Cardassian station mining ore from the tiny moon it orbited.

The most prominent feature, however, was near the centre of the area. A massive dustball of a planet with a good-sized moon.

Traders' World.

Also, the trailing end of an asteroid field was caught in the gravity of the planet.


Xander felt a rush of excitement as he stood with these people looking at the Grid - which he thought was a pretty darn cool piece of hardware.


Freeman drew their attention to the Display, "We'll use shuttles to create a grid throughout the region - using the clouds as cover - to scan for small vessels and cloaked ships. The electrostatic discharge from those clouds will interfere with all our key systems if we get too close - Tactical sensors, shields, and guidance systems. So we'll keep close enough to the edges to remain undetected without loosing our ability to scan."

Some of the group nodded, and Xander moved a little closer to the table.

"The Rutherford will remain central to the Territory, while 6 shuttles will begin here," Dave said, pointing out six locations around the outer edge of the map - forming the six corners of a hexagon, "and work inwards. Each shuttle will be allocated a set of grid sections to be scanned. We'll keep shuttle crew to a minimum - one pilot, one Science Officer."

More nodding. Xander began to realise that he wasn't too clear on what they were talking about.

"We've done this kind of thing before;" said Freeman, "you all know your teams. Let's move out."

Everyone began to leave.

"Xander." He called across the table; "You'll be with me."

"With you? ... You mean...out THERE?"

"No free rides, Harris, remember? Let's go."

"Wha...Bu...hu ... ugh."




Willow met Buffy at her quarters thirty minutes before they were due at the Transporter room. They met and moved immediately through the dark corridors for their appointment with the Doc.

There was some concern in the Slayer's mind, and she asked her friend; "If they do manage to shut Data down, what'll happen to the Spirit he's time-sharing with?"

Willow patted a small velveteen pouch that hung around her neck, "I got Plan B right here, Cap'n."

"What is that? Not tobacco?" interrogated Buffy in a humorous manner.

"It's a Wiccan Magick-Pouch."

"Aah. Spooky nik-naks." Buffy suggested.

"Just somethin' me and the chef rustled up in the kitchen - mainly herbs. And a Labradorite crystal I replicated. A precaution. In case the BoogieMan tries to possess our souls. It's a protection spell, but I had to go on memory so it's not exactly an insurance plan with the Pru. More like 'Plan Nine from Outer Space'."

"Well, I feel many times safer just knowin' I've got my Willster covering our backs."

Willow smiled heartily as they walked through the familiar sliding doors of Sickbay.




On the USS Rutherford, one single great Shuttlebay door opened up at the rear of the saucer section and six small craft slipped from her shell like Bees from a nest.

One of those shuttles - the Narayan - was piloted by Captain Freeman. By his side sat a wary Xander.

The formation hung as a group for a brief time as they set in their individual co-ordinates...

Before they split and went their separate ways like a silent starburst.





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*Want to know what the Rutherford's Tactical Mapping Grid looks like? Click here.

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