- Traders' World -






The alley they had beamed into turned out to be the back of a filthy restaurant and the stink of the trash was enough to gag a maggot.


Buffy Summers creased her nose at the stench and noticed how odd the new ridges along the bridge of her nose felt as they folded in on each other. Doctor Crusher had guaranteed that they were temporary but she ran her fingertips over them one last time anyway, trying not to feel self-conscious, then turned to her co-'Bajorans'.

Beside her, wearing a ragged mix of cloaks, hoods and long coats, stood Counsellor Troi, Willow, Spike and their assigned security guard.

Spike had refused to be altered, so instead wore a large hood over his head - drawing such a heavy shadow that his features were hidden.

Gamma Team began to visually scan the alley cul-de-sac they had arrived in as Troi pulled out her apparently home-made Tricorder - made up of Klingon, Terran and Bajoran parts with a few gadgets that were unidentifiable - and began a perimeter scan.

"He's nowhere within sensor range." She said, searching for Data.

"Can we really be sure?" Buffy questioned, "Could he be using one of those Wettening fields?"

Willow and Deanna exchanged a look, and neither of them felt like telling her it was a 'Dampening' field.

"It's possible, but not likely." Troi replied, "And he doesn't know we're here. All we can do is move east and keep checking the Tricorder."

With that she led them out onto the 'street' where the markets were bustling and the crowds grew noisy.

Beneath their feet the sand-like grit crunched and above their heads, beyond the atmospheric dome which was lined with huge lights that created false daylight, they saw the ionised gas that surrounded this world.

The street was wide and full of people. On either side were buildings that seemed to be of a clay-type material and each one was some kind of a shop or recreational facility. Drinking houses and food suppliers.

In the street were scattered stalls selling anything from spare parts to dried monkey meat.

After being stuck on the Enterprise so long, it was a sight that took the Scoobies by surprise.

"Stay close to me." Warned Troi, "And don't speak to anyone."

She set off through the crowds and the rest began to follow.




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