- First Tremor -




The Enterprise arrived at Tri Ro’Ku-6 the next morning and took up a stationary position aft of the Observatory.

Lt. Cmdr. Data had beamed over alone to restart the environmental systems and initialise the artificial gravity generators in preparation for the engineering crew.

The seventeen deuterium pods had to be examined carefully before being declared safe for transport to the ships cargo bay.






When Giles and Buffy had approached Picard the night before with Willow’s discovery, he had asked them if they ever heard of a man named ‘Khan Noonien Singh’ – a product of 20th century genetic engineering who rose to dictatorial power in 1992 and caused the Eugenics Wars. Khan escaped Earth in 1996 on the S.S. Botany Bay.

Buffy had said, "I must have slept through that."

Giles had indicated that these events had not taken place.


And so, to Buffy’s disdain, she and Giles were made to sit through yet another examination.






A second conference was called first thing. All were present who attended the previous meeting…



"An alternate reality?" Xander found it a little hard to take in.

"How does that work?" Asked Anya.

Picard asked the Doctor to make her report.

"Well, it’s complicated, but all matter in this universe has a specific ‘signature’. When I examined Mr Giles and Buffy yesterday; I found that their cellular RNA was resonating at a slightly different frequency to that of the matter in this universe. I’m not surprised I hadn’t noticed sooner; the difference is so minute and it was agreed upon that you were from the past."


Buffy leant onto the table, "That’s all very…technical, but what does it all mean?"


Data stepped forward to explain; "It would seem that the artefact not only brought you through time, but into another dimension. One that differs slightly from your own."

Buffy didn’t much like the sound of that. It made her nervous. It made her feel even farther from home.

"Even the mystical chronicles and spell books I asked for never existed in this reality." Groaned Giles.

The rest of the gang were too numbed to speak. Even the callous Spike.


"How are we going to get home now?"

"If we were to travel back in time to the year two thousand," Data explained, "It would be your time – but not your reality. It would not be the same."

Geordi thought hard. He could see how worried the newcomers were and he wanted to find a way to get them home.

"Data?" He said, thinking aloud; "What do we know about Multidimensional Transporter Devices?"

The Android cocked his head to the side as he accessed files; "The Multidimensional Transporter Device modifies Transporter functions to allow beaming to an alternate universe. It was developed in the ‘mirror’ universe. Deep Space Nine has had more experience with this device. They may have more detailed information."

Geordi considered that; "Hypothetically, Data, if we knew how this device worked – do you think it would be possible to alter the resonating frequency to transport to the universe that matches their signal?" He asked, pointing at the Scooby Gang.

Data tilted his head again; "I have insufficient information to answer that question, Geordi. Assuming we were able to transport them to the correct universe, it would still be the wrong time."

Geordi shook his head, "Not if we went back in time first, Data!"

"Ah, I see."


Buffy forced a syllable out of the confusion; "Huh?"


"I get it." Said Spike; "We go back in time, then these guys do ‘the jiggy’ on us and stick us back in our dimension. Simple."

"Precisely" agreed Data.

Buffy, Xander, Anya, Giles and even Willow were looking at Spike like he’d grown a second head.

"What!?" said Spike, "I used to know a lot of fancy words, you know. Just ‘cos you’re all illiterate."


"Alright." Picard continued, "Geordi – get all the data DS Nine has on this Transport Device and work with Data to find a solution."

La Forge and Data gave each other a nod.

"Are we ready to get underway?" Picard asked of Geordi.

"All the pods are onboard and my crew are back from the Observatory. We just have to fill the main tank and we’re good to go, Captain."

"Meanwhile," Data said; "I would like to take our guests over to the Observatory. I thought they might be interested in seeing the Enterprise from the outside."

The Captain smiled a little, "Yes, Mr Data, of course. I think they would find that very interesting."






On the way to Transporter Room 3, Xander couldn’t resist asking Willow and Buffy a question.

"So, what am I in this universe…or what was I? What interesting path did my life take without all the slaying and saving the world and almost gettin’ killed everyday? I’d have had more time to concentrate on my studies – I might even have got some of those qualifications people are always raving about. I could have been a pilot…or a fireman. A quirky talk show host! Am I close? C’mon, tell me."

Buffy and Will started to look around awkwardly, avoiding his question and eye contact altogether.

Xander let out a puff of air; "I was a bum."

"Pretty much." Will confirmed.

"Even in a world without Vampires, I’m a loser. I probably didn’t even have a girlfriend either. No Faith. Definitely no Cordelia. And Anya would have been dead about a thousand years before I was born. My life here sucked."

"But you do have me." Anya pointed out.

"That’s right." Agreed Willow, "And you’re not a bum. You’re a handyman. You’re ‘handy’."

"You’re Handy Xandy." Buffy added.

"You guys." He said in mock teary sentiment.






They arrived at the Transporter Room and were introduced to Transporter Chief Warren; who ran them through the basics of how they were able to ‘beam’ a person.

Xander, finding it quite disturbing, pulled the gang to one side; "You actually wanna let them break you up into tiny pieces? …On the hope they’ll put you back together at the other end with your face on the right side of your head! Well, you can just count me out of that little experience."

"I want to see the ship, Xander." Anya stated.

"Anya?!" He fumbled for words "Remember we watched that film – ‘The Fly’? – You could come back with your insides on the outside."

Willow gave him a shove; "Don’t worry, Anya, he’s just a technophobe."

"Will, I keep tellin’ you – I don’t have a problem with you being gay."

"A technophobe, Xander." Willow said, "Not a homophobe."

"I knew that." He turned back to his girlfriend; "Please, Anya. The idea of this beaming thing just gives me the wiggins."

Spike called out from the Transporter pad, "Look, if Captain Starbuck’s not man enough to join us, let ‘im stay."


Buffy, Giles, Willow and Anya joined Spike and Cmdr. Data on the platform.

"She’ll be fine." Buffy said to Xander, "She’s with us."






The six of them materialised in the main observation room. The vast oval shaped area appeared to have once contained equipment and control terminals – all cleared away before the Observatory had been abandoned. Off to the right of them a passage led away into another section of the structure.

Data watched them to gauge their reaction to their Transporter adventure.


"Wow." Said the Slayer, "That was…different."

"That was so cool!" Willow enthused, "I’m all tingly." She shivered excitedly.

Giles was astounded, "Remarkable."

Anya seemed fairly unfazed, and Spike simply shrugged it off.



Before them, an enormous one-piece window filled almost the entire length of the room.

As they approached it, the staggering curve of the planet Tri Ro’Ku-6 came into view beneath them. Its viciously ravaging climate was clear to see – heavy ion storms tore across the globes radiation-soaked surface like wild living twisters.


Spike was still pretty bored with the dreariness of it all, "And you lot thought Sunnydale had a bad atmosphere!" he joked.


"This Observatory was designed to study the unique atmospheric turbulance of Tri Ro’Ku-Six," Data offered, "Until it was found that the long-term effect of the high radiation levels caused by the storms was too great a risk for the scientists working here. The project was then abandoned."

"Fascinating." Said Giles.

Spike shook his head, ‘One Giles was bad enough

"I thought you said we’d be able to see the Enterprise, Data." Willow said eagerly.

"I will have to bring us about. Remain here; I will be back shortly."

And he left them for the passageway.






Data entered a small side-room off the corridor, and ran his fingers over the control panel there.

He accessed the rusty propulsion system and fired all the starboard manoeuvring thrusters.




In the observation room, the gang were alarmed when the structure began to creak. The sound of an old generator started to hum beneath their feet and they realised, looking through the window, that they were beginning to rotate to the left.




Data monitored their orbit on the external sensor panel. He stopped.

Something was wrong.

He checked and double-checked his memory engrams.

There were 30 seconds missing from his recent memory files. ‘No, wait. There they are!’

Data shook off the odd experience and engaged a reverse port thruster to stabilise their orbit.




Out the window, they all watched as the massive ball of the planet slipped away to reveal space.

The Observatory slowly came to rest. And there she was.

Hovering before them – huge and sleek – lit by powerful spotlights running over her smooth, grey surface.

A beautiful, streamlined angel of space.

The Enterprise.






When Data returned to the main room, he found them in awe of the ship.

"It’s so different from how I imagined." Commented Willow.

Buffy agreed; "It’s amazing."

"Are those the… Warp engines?" asked Giles, pointing, "And that must be the Bridge."

"It’s so big." Anya declared.

Spike chuckled, "Come off it, people. It looks bloody ridiculous."

The others disagreed - it was serene…




The Observatory rocked violently.

Buffy caught Willow before she toppled over; "What the hell was that?!!"






On the bridge of the Enterprise, Cpt. Picard watched as an almighty explosion took out the Observatory’s east wing.

He shot up from his command chair; "Get them out of there!"

At the Tactical station, Lt. Daniels called; "I can't, Sir, there’s some kind of interference!"

"Picard to Transporter Room three, get through that interference and beam our people aboard!"

Picard, Riker, Deanna and Xander watched on as smaller explosions began – running along the structure toward the main observation centre.

"Do something." Pleaded Xander.






The explosions were getting closer and the gang were huddling together.

Data had not answered Buffy’s question.

Spike noticed the Transporter effect take hold of Buffy and Willow, ‘About bloody time’, he thought.

Then he looked around for the others… …and they were all gone. He was alone.

"Now that’s just soddin’ typical!"

In the passageway, the walls began to glow orange.

Spike backed off until he hit the window. ‘No…

He saw as a great wall of fire came forth from the corridor to consume him.

Not like this…






Buffy stepped off the platform and went to the Transporter controls.

The young man there was not Chief Warren.

"Where’s Spike?"

He frowned at her; "I had some trouble locking on to your life-signs, but I’m sure I got you all."

Willow came up to them; "Life-signs? Spike isn’t alive."


Buffy stepped right up to him; "Look, there’s no time – beam the corpse over here now."




On the main view screen of the Bridge, The Observatory exploded in an intense fireball, which quickly died out in the airless vacuum of space.




Spike was in darkness, his coat covering his face.

He started to realise he’d been that way for a few seconds longer than it should have took for him to be dead.

So he peeped.




Cowering in a ball at the back of the Transporter pad, fire-licked and smouldered, Spike popped his head out at them.

Buffy stood there, arms folded; "Well, if it isn’t William The Cowardly."

"Sod off, Slayer! Anyway; what’s the big idea?! I nearly got cooked back there!"

"That’s a good question, Spike." She said, "You guys know how to get to the Bridge, right?"

"I remember." Willow replied.

"Take me there."






When the turbolift doors opened onto the Bridge, Xander came running to them.

"Thank God you got out in time!" He said as he held Anya tightly. "I’m not gonna say ‘I told ya so’."

Cpt. Picard made his way to them from the command chair, "Are you alright? Are any of you hurt?"

"We’re fine." Buffy answered sternly, "We very nearly weren’t…and I wanna know why."


Data responded immediately, directing his answer at Picard; "It is possible that by initiating the propulsion systems on the Observatory, after they had been offline for almost a month, I may have inadvertently caused a power surge in the command relays. This could then have ignited the primary fuel manifold causing a chain reaction."

Picard nodded, "Alright, Data, at least everyone is safe. I think you should take the rest of your shift off." He addressed the Scoobs; "It would appear this was an accident, thankfully not a fatal one. You should rest; make use of some of our facilities. I apologies for your ordeal – this kind of thing wouldn’t normally happen."

"Captain," said Data, "I am due to begin studying Deep Space Nines' files on Multidimensional Transport with Geordi at sixteen hundred hours."

"I’m sure he will manage without you for one day, Data. Get some rest."

"I do not require rest, Captain."

"I know that, Data…just take some time off and relax. That’s an order."

"Aye, Sir."


The gang left for their rooms, not quite as satisfied with their answers as they’d have liked.

Data stayed to give a full report before returning to his own quarters.




A short time later, Picard was sat in his readyroom studying a report Giles made for him explaining the myth of this mysterious ‘evil force’.

His door chimed.

"Come." He said, laying the PADD down on his desk.

La Forge came in from the Bridge, "You wanted to see me, Captain?"

"Yes, Geordi. Data told me he might have caused the destruction of the Observatory when he powered up the propulsion systems. What do you think?"

"It’s possible…if it triggered a power surge, it could have set off the main fuel pipe." He gave it some more thought, "But it’s really not that likely. Even if it had been stood idle for so long."

Picard nodded, "Geordi, I need you to put your research on hold for a while."

"You’re changing my assignment?"

"Just briefly. I want you to go over our sensor records - in great detail. I want you to find out exactly what did happen over there. A team is already on its way to dismantle the thing – and the Federation will want to know how we managed to save them the effort. Besides which; I’m curious to know myself."

"I’ll get right on it."

As the door slid shut behind La Forge, Captain Picard prayed that Data’s theory would be confirmed.

He really didn’t need any more complications right now.





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