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Barcillo's Drinking Music Page

Music on Alcohol Themes

Back to the Booze Zone
This page has music and lyrics for some really good music of all styles that I relate to drinks and drinking, to hear it you'll need Real Audio or Real Player. Click in the song link and you'll go to a page with the lyrics (Spanish & English) where you can connect to hear the song, Click in the  and you can hear it here . You can find more about the author/artist in the artists page or clicking in the author link in the lyrics page of each song.
Note, like Stephen King says in Christine, I consider the author not he guy who wrote the song, but the one which more people relate to the song
If you like this music you can find it at CDNow. Just select the artist you are looking for in the pull down menu on the banner on top of the page and you'll find records available on CDnow.

Available Drinking Songs:

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