Gareth Calway - Bard On The Wire
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Novelty item! Hear Gareth's Postcard from Sorrento (about Dan Freedman's Dante's Inferno) on the BBC World Service "Write On" programme week beginning Monday 23 September. The programme goes out world-wide four times and is online for that week.


Gareth has been asked to write a poem for each Bristol City home programme this season. He will kick off with 'City Miss The Play Offs Again'in the Blackpool programme. (Commemorating that notorious 5-1 defeat in Blackpool last April).

Gareth's tenure with 'Secondary English Magazine' continues with a poem in the September issue and a teaching article on Tennyson's 'Charge of the Light Brigade' in December. A follow up on the same poet's 'Mariana' and 'The Lady of Shalott'is scheduled for the spring.


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