Gareth Calway - Bard On The Wire
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Vinny Jones makes the mistake of haranguing his team from the byeline.
And gets 4,000 Big Bristol Ben demands to Sit down shut up
Sit down shut up
Followed by He’s WELSH and he knows he is
He’s WELSH and he knows he is
He’s WELSH and he knows he is
In which I join with special relish.
Jones is about as Welsh as Wimbledon
Whereas I, chanting my heart out for Bristol,
Am Welsh, unbeknown to this lot,
And I know I am....

available on Bristol City Ruined My Life... But Made My Day

“Born in Wales, raised in Bristol and Somerset and now working as a head of English in Norfolk, the question of roots and what constitutes “home” is a recurring theme in Gareth’s work.
Or, as an away crowd chants to a home crowd on his latest CD, ’You’re supposed to be at ’ome!’ The truth, reflects Gareth, is that no-one’s at home really.”

Eastern Daily Press Magazine

Gareth Calway has been published in such magazines as Encounter, New Welsh Review, HQ Poetry Quarterly, Delhi London Poetry Quarterly, Anglo-Welsh Review, The Rialto and Poet's England. He was a contributing editor of Creative Language and now writes for Secondary English Magazine, an organ of NATE.

He has also written plays. One was described by the Guardian as "very funny...though real enough. A metaphor for a country in decline." He trained part time as an actor, directed youth theatre for eight years, founded and ran Never Mind The Testosterone, Here Comes Boudicca Co. and now produces his own one-man shows.

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