One of the most frustrating situations that a dog owner can find themselves in is when their dog barks during the night. It keeps the owners up, it keeps the neighbours up, and it creates a frustrating situation all the way around. Dog owners themselves are most frustrated because not only must they get up out of bed to correct the dog, but they also feel responsible for the lack of sleep that everyone within hearing distance is surely suffering along with them. Probably the best solution that a dog owner can achieve that stops a dog barking during the night is to create an effective deterrent system. Using simple principles of dog training an owner can use consistent, effectively timed, negative motivation to teach their pet not to quit barking. The ability to deliver effect negative motivation to a dog in the middle of the night is usually limited by how patient the owner is about getting up and correcting the dog immediately after it has just barked! A better solution for training a dog not to bark during the night is to use an anti bark collar. Your dog wears the bark control collar around its neck and when it barks, a sensor in the collar immediately emits an ultrasonic sound, a spray, or an electro static shock. The collars close proximity to your pet makes it an uncomfortable experience and becomes the negative motivation you need to train it not to bark. Over time this can effectively manage the dog's behaviour, without you having to be in close proximity in the middle of the night. The collar does all the work for you. Bark Collar Bark control collars with a static shock are extremely effective in training a dog not to bark at night. It usually takes about a week for dogs to learn that when they bark, they will get a mild shock and should not be barking any more. Often, just the sight of a shock collar in a pet owners hand will be enough to deter a dog from barking. The shock, while uncomfortable, does not hurt or injure the dog. It is just a reminder that links barking with something unpleasant. It does not take a dog too long to make the connection. A wide variety of bark collars are available for purchase to suit almost any breed and size of dog, it is recommended that puppies are over six months old and check the instructions to make sure the puppy is of the correct weight. Pet owners should take special care to buy a name branded collar from a trusted company. Recently, pet products imported from overseas have flooded the American and European market with low cost and sometimes faulty or dangerous products. These cheaply made products have no warranty or customer service support and are often totally unreliable for stopping your pet barking. Name brand products like PetSafe, DT Systems, or Koolatron Bark Free come with well written instruction manuals plus hints and tips that show you how-to successfully train your dog not to bark at night. In addition they are made with quality parts backed by a guarantee. You do not have to feel helpless when your dog is barking at night. This is a natural behaviour that most dogs exhibit. Like any behaviour or habit, with consistency and the appropriate amount of negative motivation, a dog can be retrained. Won’t it be wonderful to get full night’s sleep without the fear of having your neighbour call you to make your dog stop barking?

Bark Collar Using A Bark Collar For Controlling Dog Behaviors

anti bark dog spray collar

anti bark collar

bark collar

bark dog spray collar

anti bark collar


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If you want to stop your dog's excessive barking then learn how a bark collar can help or look here for the most popular bark collar. 1