Baseball Movies

The Field of Dreams (1989)


Ray Kinsella...Kevin Costner
Annie Kinsella...Amy Madigan
Karin Kinsella...Gaby Hoffman
Ray Liotta...Shoeless Joe Jackson
Terence Mann...James Earl Jones
Dr. Archibald 'Moonlight' Graham...Burt Lancaster
Frank Whaley...Archie Graham

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Ray Kinsella(Kevin Costner) and Annie Kinsella (Amy Madigan have a farm in a small Iowa town. One day while Ray is out shucking corn he thinks he hears a voice out in the corn field say "If you build it he will come". Later one Ray sees a mirage of a baseball field out in the distance in his corn field and realizes he must plow his corn and build a baseball field in hopes that one of the greats Shoeless Joe Jackson(Ray Liotta) Will be able to come back and once more play the game he loved. Through out the movie Ray is met with more obstacles and dreams which then takes him out East to Boston where he ends up meeting a well known writer who once wrote a book that included his fathers name in it. In the end Ray finds out who the field was truely ment to be for.

Field of Dreams is a movie all true lovers of the game can find passion in. A story about a man following the orders of a mysterious voice to build a field. Brining back some of baseball's greats to once again give them a chance to play the game they love to much. And in the end bring back someone truely special to Ray. Fathers and sons alike can watch this movie and get a feel of how baseball can really connect the two by just having a game of catch.

Field of Dreams
Field of Dreams (1989)

Baseball Quotes

One of the better known baseball quotes came from Field of Dreams When Terrance Mann (James Earl Jones) Gives a masterfull speech of how People will come to Iowa for reasons they cannot fathom to see a baseball field that as built in the middle of no where. No sure why they will ask to pay to see this magnificent field. For it is money they have and peace they lack. It will bring them back to memories of when they were children cheering on their heros. Terence goes on to describe how baseball is the one thing that has stay constent over all these years. America has been rolled by like an army of steamrollers, erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball is the one thing that has never changed.

True Meaning

The high point of Field of Dreamsis the iconic moment when Ray is talking to Shoeless Joe and Shoeless Joe says "If you build it HE will come". Not realizing what Shoeless Joe completely means Ray looks over to his right to see a new ball player he had not seen before. After glancing a bit more Ray realizes that it is not just any ball player but his father or a ghost of his father for he is aged much younger. In the end through this field and a simple game of catch a father and son are given a second chance to enjoy eachothers company and a chance for reconsiliation.