William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet: · Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye · O, mickle is the powerful grace that lies

Too Many You's
today i present as the essential bruise:
clad primarily in blacks and blues,
shirt, jumper, tights and shoes,
positively funereally i cruise
through a traffic jam of undeniable clues
to the doorway of the old, dreaded news:
today i was beat up, felt those rusty screws
trespass a heart jerked and dried into snack-sized chews;
read a prophetic headline: "faithless man woos,
"trusting woman bound to lose"

copyright 2000-2007, Barbara Bales

a sonnet, one of three I have completed thus far: Through Andy's Eyes - My 40th birthday
Bekah, Someday - Bittersweet - the eventual outcome - Bales Law I don't make money, at least not yet, so if you hate it or like it tell me please! :)
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