Margin-Right Works! but not in tables! (Use padding-right instead!)

Okay this is an example of the same thing I tried on the previous page. This time, though, I am using the full webpage and not putting everything inside a table like I normally do with my homework stuff. So... this background image appears only once because I've used the "background-repeat: no repeat;" declaration. It looks pretty good on this very big page, doesn't it?

Anyway, the image is positioned to the right top corner of this page, because I used the "background-position: right top;" declaration. So far, so good.

The "margin-right: 198px;" did not work inside the table, so here, I've applied it to the body in the internal stylesheet. Now we have a margin on the right side, which is set to the width of the image, so that the image will not disturb the text. Resize the browser window to see the effect of this.

After spending all night trying to find an answer to this problem, I've learned that for table cells, I'm supposed to use PADDING -- not MARGIN... You can see the effect of THAT in the previous page.

Gee, only took me four hours to figure this doozy out... Where's that glass of wine...?

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