Sakura Wars


Sakura Wars is created by Sega & is one of their most popular game lineup to the company.  The game is a dating simulation with a bit of war-action involved.  The series later became an anime series though TV shows & OVAs after a huge line of merchandises were released from the series.  Although it's highly popular in Japan, it's not the same case outside of Asia.  None of the games were released in North America & the anime isn't very popular.

Sega has continued to pump a lot of stuff from the Sakura Wars series as if it's an Evangelion brand name to them.  The series has been around for more than ten years & continues to grow through sequels of the game.  Personally, I'm not a fan of the series.  But I would collect some stuff from them if they catch my attention.

Below are some Sakura Wars that I used to have in my collection & a personal review about them.  Categorized by company/maker name in alphabetical order:





No Longer in my Collection

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Last updated on May 21, 2008

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