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Hugo Almeida-Online Videos


Hugo Almeida Video clips....

In this section you can download some very rare online clips of the player they call BigA.

There is a variety of clips from Hugo Almeida goals to assists for all to enjoy and see the great young attacking talent that represents F.C Porto.

Aqui podem fazer 'download' dos videos do Hugo Almeida, o grande ponta de lan�a do F.C Porto.


Hugo Almeida goal against vv Bennekom
Hugo Almeida goal against Barcelona
Hugo Almeida assist against Boca Juniors
Hugo Almeida goal against Panafiel
Hugo Almeida goal against Naval 1� de Maio
Hugo Almeida goal against Rio Ave
Hugo Almeida "Portugal" 1st goal against Latvia
Hugo Almeida 2nd goal against Latvia
Hugo Almeida goal against Nacional
Hugo Almeida goal against Inter Milan (CL)
Hugo Almeida goal against Switzerland
Hugo Almeida goal with Boavista F.C
Hugo Almeida goal with Boavista
Hugo Almeida goal with Boavista
Hugo Almeida goal with U.Leiria
Hugo Almeida goal with Leiria
Hugo Almeida goal with Leiria

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